Video: a student who was a victim of bullying brutally beat his harasser during a class

Two students from a secondary school in Río Segundo, Córdoba, starred in a dramatic video showing the consequences of problematic rooted in society: the so-called bullying o bullying.

In a video, which was recorded by another student, a brutal fight is seen inside the classroom between two first-year teenagers. Although the images are not clear and the conversation between the two cannot be heard, it was later learned thate one of the youths was verbally assaulted because of his autism and his size.

Given this, the young man reacted in the worst way: he approached his partner, he grabbed him by the shirt and hit his head against the bank. In the images you can hear the screams of the rest of those present, who are unable to intervene.

A student who suffers from bullying brutally attacked his harasser at a school in Córdoba

In response to this, the other student he took a slingshot out of his pocket and threw a stone at ita situation that caused a new assault by the second student. With more anger, she attacked him again with fist blows, until seconds later, a teacher managed to intervene and stop the fight.

Authorities of the institution confirmed to that the event occurred days ago and that they took the measures established by “protocol” to control the situation. “We call the families and talk to the students,” they added. At the same time, they assured that the inspectors “are aware” of what happened.

Furthermore, they reported that disciplinary action was taken towards the two students, although they avoided going into details.

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Weeks ago, the case of a girl from Mendoza was the subject of all the news portals after a video of hers went viral where He talked about the bullying he experienced at school. The filming was published by her aunt on her Facebook and, in it, Agustina – just five years old – reported that her classmates harass her every day because of her physical appearance and that she did not want to go anymore. .

Still with the duster on and with the face bathed in tears, Agustina told the camera: “I don’t want to go to school anymore. They call me ‘fat’”. With her voice full of anguish and frustration, she continued: “They treat me as a ‘fat pig’. I’m tired. I have had enough”. Her case -despite not being the only one- managed to reach all corners of the country through the networks and many were moved to hear the shocking story.

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