Victory on the Horizon: The Promise of the Counteroffensive

The Russian army will do its “sacred duty” and expel Ukrainian troops from Kursk. Vladimir Putin is pushing his pride, and he has chosen a not at all random stage – the plenary session of the IX Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) – to assure, also in front of his guests, Chinese Vice President Han Zheng and Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, that the situation in the border area with Ukraine is under control and that Kiev’s forces have now exhausted their driving force. The economy was supposed to be discussed in Vladivostok, but the discussion ended up in great detail about what is happening in the Kursk region. The Russian army has stabilized the situation and is now gradually pushing the Ukrainian armed forces out of the border area, the president assures.

Ukraine, flurry of attacks: Russian missiles on Lviv and Kiev

“The enemy’s goal was to make us nervous, agitate us, force us to move troops from one area to another and stop our offensive in key directions, primarily in Donbass, the liberation of which is our main goal. But they failed in everything,” Putin said. Kiev, he added, failed to sow panic and “stir up the internal political situation.” On the contrary, Kiev’s provocation led to “the consolidation of society, as always happens in such cases in Russia,” so much so that “the number of men who signed up grew rapidly.” Judging by their actions, the Russian president said, the Kiev authorities do not care about their country at all. “Sometimes I get the impression that those who lead Ukraine are some kind of aliens who simply do not think. They are suffering such colossal losses that I just don’t know what they will do next.”

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At the same time, he added, the regime has fewer and fewer options: “Re-lowering the age of conscription to recruit children, like the Nazis in Germany… But this will not solve the problem.” Speaking about the possibility of a diplomatic solution, Putin once again recalled that there were agreements (the reference is to an agreement reached in May 2022 to end the war, but which was not signed by the US and Great Britain), “but the Ukrainian authorities decided to take a different path. Russia did not refuse anything.”

#counteroffensive #successful #Tempo
2024-09-06 02:26:55

The Situation in the Kursk Region: Analyzing Putin’s Claims and Ukraine’s Response

!Russian ‌Troops


In a significant⁣ update surrounding the ongoing⁢ conflict between Russia and Ukraine, President Vladimir Putin recently declared that the Russian army is ‍poised to conduct its “sacred duty” of expelling Ukrainian ​forces from the Kursk region. This statement came during the IX Eastern Economic ⁢Forum (EEF), where Putin sought to assure both international guests—including Chinese Vice President Han Zheng and ⁤Malaysian ​Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim—that the situation ⁤along the Ukrainian border is under control.

Key Takeaways‍ from Putin’s Address

Amid discussions that were meant to focus on economic matters, Putin veered into military affairs, emphasizing:

  1. Stabilization ‌of the Situation: Putin claimed⁢ that the Russian military has‌ managed to stabilize the conflict and ⁣is gradually pushing back Ukrainian forces​ from the border.
  1. Ukrainian Exhaustion: He asserted that the Ukrainian⁤ military has exhausted ‌its ⁤momentum and is struggling to create ⁤a coherent response to Russian tactics.
  1. Unity and Recruitment in Russia: Contradicting claims of internal⁣ unrest, he stated that efforts to instill panic among the Russian population have instead led to a surge⁢ in recruitment, enhancing national unity.

Responding to Ukrainian Actions

Putin characterized the⁣ strategic movements from Kiev as unsuccessful attempts to provoke Russia into overextending its military resources. He claimed that rather than creating panic, these provocations have unified Russian society.

“The enemy’s goal was to make us nervous, agitate us… But they failed in everything,” Putin remarked, emphasizing the regime’s confidence in its military objectives.

Continued Pressure on Ukraine

As​ the conflict⁣ escalates, Putin ⁢mentioned ⁤that the Ukrainian regime finds itself increasingly desperate in its strategies, hinting at the possibility of “lowering the age of conscription” reminiscent of historical precedents. He⁢ implied that​ such measures would not rectify the fundamental ​challenges⁢ facing Ukraine.

Implications of the Eastern Economic Forum

While the EEF was designed ‌to discuss economic collaborations and investments across the Eastern‍ bloc, it’s clear that ​military⁤ themes overshadowed the agenda. The discourse about military engagement serves dual purposes for Putin: reinforcing domestic​ support through perceived military successes ⁢and signaling to global allies Russia’s resolve in the conflict.

!Russian Missile Attacks

Global Context

The situation in the Kursk region is critical not only to the ongoing conflict but also to the stability of the broader Eastern ​European landscape. The international‌ community is watching closely, with implications for global⁣ security and diplomatic relations:

  • Geopolitical Tensions: Putin’s remarks could raise tensions with NATO countries, who are concerned about Russia’s ‌military aspirations.
  • Impact on Global Trade: Economic discussions​ overshadowed by ⁤military rhetoric may have ​repercussions on investments and trade across the region.


The conflict in Ukraine remains ‍complex and multifaceted. Putin’s recent statements during the IX Eastern Economic Forum provide insight into Russia’s strategic messaging​ and military objectives. As ‌the situation evolves, it’s essential to remain informed and critical of both ⁣narratives presented by Russian officials and the reactions of the international community. The coming weeks will be pivotal in determining whether Ukraine can regain momentum or if Putin’s assertions will translate ⁢into further territorial consolidation for Russia in the ongoing conflict. ⁣

Stay informed to get the latest updates on ⁢the Ukrainian ⁤conflict and its implications ​for regional stability in Eastern Europe.



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