Victory of civil society against fortress Europe: “Important verdict for Austria and the EU”

2023-07-19 16:21:06

Caritas, Diakonie, Volkshilfe and over 50 organizations supported the SOS Balkan route before the SLAPP process.

VIENNA (OTS) The ÖVP-affiliated organization ICMPD fails in court: The SLAPP lawsuit once morest the SOS Balkan route was dismissed by the commercial court. After the prison in Lipa fell due to its illegality and lack of rights, Goliath’s attempt at legal intimidation once morest David also falls. A major stage win for the SOS Balkan route, but the fight continues following the ICMPD appealed.

Asylum coordination speaks of “wake-up call from civil society”

“The attempt by the non-transparent scandal organization ICMPD, funded by millions of taxpayers’ money, to muzzle an uncomfortable civil society voice is more than just an embarrassing defeat for the overbearing arrogance of ICMPD. It is a wake-up call to scrutinize all the organization’s machinations closely from a rule-of-law perspective The clumsy, non-transparent and embarrassing procedure has the effect that the Austrian and Bosnian civil society comes out of the matter stronger”, comments Lukas Gahleitner-Gertz from the asylum coordination on the outcome of the SLAPP process.

Rosandic: “Trial and prison – both a mistake”

“The ICMPD tried to move the political discussion into the courtroom and challenged the assets of free speech, freedom of the press and civil society at large. That was a mistake, just like the illegal prison in Lipa – also known as ‘Guantanamo’,” says Petar Rosandić, head of the SOS Balkan Route. The SLAPP process also provided international expressions of solidarity: the human rights defender organization Front Line Defender set SOS Balkan Route and Rosandić on the list of internationally endangered “Human Rights Defender”Amnesty International decided to observe the trial following KURIER journalist Dennis Miskic was “personally pressured” by the press officers of the BMI and ICMPD and evidence was suddenly deleted in a panic by authorities.

“ICMPD wanted to muzzle civil society”

“They tried in the courtroom to hide injustice behind management vocabulary and gags on civil society. The verdict is important, not only for critical NGOs as pillars of democracy, just like journalists and watchdogs, but for the future of freedom of expression and freedom of the press in Austria,” sums up the chairman of the SOS Balkan route, Petar Rosandic, who was also sued privately by ICMPD.

“Need continued support”

Since the ICMPD has appealed, the whole thing is going on. “It’s unbelievable what damage we have suffered as a result of this process as a small voluntary NGO whose networks save lives every day in Bosnia. We can’t concentrate on our fundamental core tasks as usual. But yesterday showed: Humanity wins on It always ends,” says Rosandic. The organization SOS Balkanroute continues to ask for donations for the high legal costs.

Questions & contact:

Petar Rosandić, SOS Balkanroute (06607390819,

#Victory #civil #society #fortress #Europe #Important #verdict #Austria



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