Victory for Free Speech: Whistleblower David Miranda Released in Major Win for Global Activist Movement

The opposition party La Causa R announced this Saturday the release of its general secretary in the state of Miranda, Rafael Marín, after he was arrested after participating in an electoral campaign activity for Edmundo González.

Through a publication in

Initially, La Causa R announced the arrest of Marín and four other people, among whom was the owner of a truck that was used in the proselytizing activity.

On Thursday, opposition activists Ignacio Monique and Aldo Rosso, members of the Voluntad Popular (VP) party, were arrested, according to the party, which linked these arrests to the start of the campaign for the presidential elections on July 28.

VP also called on the international community, especially the countries that acted as guarantors in the Barbados negotiations between the Nicolás Maduro administration and the opposition Democratic Unitary Platform, “to do everything possible to put an end to this macabre tactic that only takes its toll.” freedom of innocent people.

#Opposition #party #announced #release #activist #detained #Miranda



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