Victim of KSP Indosurya Summoned When Talking to the Media, Deddy Corbuzier: Maybe this is a big-scale crime

SOREANG JOURNAL: Victim KSP Indosurya Patricia Gow finally dared to reveal to the media, following almost 2 years of silence.

Regarding him who lost money from KSP Indosurya worth 2 billion rupiah.

In a Podcast with Doddy Cornbuzier, Patricia Gow reveal the chronology.

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The original plan was to buy the two billion dollars for a house, but that didn’t happen because nothing was suitable.

I put the money in the bank, but my parents told me to just keep it in the cooperative, at KSP Indosurya.

Because the interest is quite large, 7-9%, while the Bank’s own deposit has a very small interest, which is only 2%.

Make parents Patricia Gow believe in depositing money there, with the title deposit.

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In addition, the holders and many who have left their money there are all high-class people.

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