Vice-President informed about the socio-economic situation of the municipality of Chibia – news

2023-04-29 16:21:48

The Vice-President of the Republic, Esperança da Costa, visited the municipality of Chibia on Friday afternoon, 28th.

In the municipality, Esperança da Costa met with the local authorities, having been informed in detail about the current socio-economic status of the locality, which, according to the census, has an estimated population of around 250,590 inhabitants, mostly young people, the third Most populous municipality in the province of Huíla.

In the social sector, the municipality controls 22 health units, 14 public and 9 private, with a total of 184 beds, and in the field of education, Chibia has a school network that operates with 109 schools, 55 of which are permanent and 54 precarious and provisional schools, distributed in: 102 of primary education, 6 of the 1st cycle and 1 of the 2nd cycle.

The municipality lives from agriculture, which represents about 80% of the economic and productive activity of the Municipality of Chibia. After the meeting with the local authorities, in the part adjacent to the administration premises, Esperança da Costa visited the agricultural and industrial goods fair with the local seal.

The Vice-President of the Republic visited Liceu Chibia and the works of the future installation of the municipal administration, whose completion is scheduled for the end of the current year. Liceu Chibia has 12 classrooms and four laboratories. With the high school, the municipality intends to strengthen the teaching of physics, chemistry and biology among young people.

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