Vicco-von-Bülow-Gymnasium Stahnsdorf Introduces Cutting-Edge Apple iPad 10 Devices

On September 13, Brandenburg‘s Minister of Education Steffen Freiberg handed over the first tablet PCs to Stahnsdorf teachers at the Vicco-von-Bülow-Gymnasium in Stahnsdorf in the presence of District Administrator Marko Köhler. With this campaign, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MBJS) wants to equip schools to meet the challenges of teaching in a digitalized world and ensure equal educational conditions.

On Friday, Education Minister Steffen Freiberg handed over the first 56 Apple iPad 10 tablet PCs to teachers at the Vicco-von-Bülow-Gymnasium in Stahnsdorf in the presence of District Administrator Marko Köhler (Potsdam-Mittelmark). In total, the MBJS has procured 19,000 tablet PCs, which are to be distributed quickly to around 700 schools in Brandenburg. “There are teachers who want to work with Apple and those who prefer Microsoft. We have taken this into account and are responding to the teachers’ wishes,” said Minister Freiberg at the handover in Stahnsdorf. “But digitization is much more than just a device. That is why I would like to thank the District Administrator of Potsdam-Mittelmark, who agreed early on to take over the administration of the mobile digital devices provided for the teachers at the schools under his management.”

By purchasing the tablet PCs, the state of Brandenburg is making an advance payment in order to create the technical prerequisites for the diverse educational settings and to be able to fundamentally meet the associated requirements for good teaching for the time being.

Every teacher and all school assistants in the service of the state of Brandenburg are to receive tablet PCs this year – the MBJS had agreed on this with the Ministry of Finance (MdFE) and the municipal umbrella organizations in the middle of the year. The procurement of the devices was financed from the Digital Pact and through additional state funds. This required an unplanned expenditure in the current financial year, which was approved by the State Parliament’s Budget and Finance Committee. “Good teaching needs reliable digital equipment. It is our common goal and also our common task to create the conditions for this in all schools. Equipping all teachers in state service with mobile digital devices is an important milestone on this path,” said Education Minister Steffen Freiberg in June. On the one hand, the still available funding (around 7.3 million euros) from the Digital Pact will be used for this. On the other hand, the state is making a further 6.5 million euros available from its own financial resources (funds from the MBJS budget) from the current 2024 budget. The funds will be used for the procurement of end devices as well as for necessary software licenses.

The Vicco-von-Bülow-Gymnasium Stahnsdorf will receive a total of 56 Apple iPad 10s for its teachers. The school has 727 students. The school has good facilities: broadband internet access, stable WiFi and presentation technology in all classrooms and specialist rooms. “For students, access to digital worlds is a given these days. iPad classes, a school app, messenger communication or data clouds are part of modern everyday teaching. We have not yet reached our goal with the digitalization of teaching, but today makes us want more,” says Sven Jentzen, deputy head of the Vicco-von-Bülow-Gymnasium.

District Administrator Marko Köhler recalled the years 2017-2018, when the first steps towards digitizing schools were taken. “It started with the introduction of WiFi in schools, which was not a given at the time. We have achieved a lot in a relatively short time. The Vicco-von-Bülow-Gymnasium is a state-of-the-art digital school, as is the Grace-Hope School in Teltow, which was designed as an Apple school from the start. These are the best conditions for the future. The students can rely on us to ensure a high level of equipment in Potsdam-Mittelmark in the future too.

In July, the municipal associations and the MBJS also signed a strategic agreement on the further digitization of schools. The decisive factor here is the joint, coordinated approach to equip schools in Brandenburg for the challenges of digitalized teaching in a future-proof manner and to ensure equal educational conditions.

Photos: Editorial staff

– What are the benefits of Brandenburg’s ⁢Ministry of Education providing tablet PCs to ‍teachers?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of Brandenburg’s Ministry of‍ Education handing over tablet⁤ PCs to teachers:

“Brandenburg⁢ Takes ‌a Leap Forward ⁤in Digital Education: Tablet PCs for Teachers”

In a significant step towards creating equal educational conditions and meeting the‍ challenges of teaching in a ⁤digitalized world, Brandenburg’s‍ Minister of Education Steffen Freiberg handed over‌ the first tablet PCs to teachers ‌at the Vicco-von-Bülow-Gymnasium in Stahnsdorf on September 13. This initiative, launched by⁣ the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport (MBJS), aims to equip schools with the necessary technical‍ prerequisites to ensure good teaching practices.

A Total of 19,000 Tablet PCs to be Distributed

During the handover ceremony, attended by District Administrator Marko Köhler, Education Minister Freiberg​ emphasized⁢ that a total of 19,000 tablet⁢ PCs will be distributed⁤ to around 700 schools in Brandenburg. The‌ MBJS has taken⁢ into account the varying preferences⁤ of teachers, providing both Apple and⁣ Microsoft devices to⁢ cater to their diverse needs.

Digitization Beyond‍ Devices

Minister Freiberg underscored that digitization encompasses more than just ⁣hardware. “Digitization is much more than just ⁤a ⁤device. That is why I would ​like to thank ⁣the District Administrator of Potsdam-Mittelmark, who agreed early on to take over the administration of ‌the‍ mobile digital devices provided for the⁣ teachers at the schools ‍under his management.”

Empowering Teachers and‍ School Assistants

As part of this initiative, every‌ teacher and ‌school assistant⁣ in the service of the​ state of⁤ Brandenburg will‌ receive a tablet PC this year. This decision was made possible through⁢ a collaborative effort between the MBJS, the Ministry of Finance (MdFE), and municipal umbrella organizations. The procurement ‍of‌ devices was financed through ​the Digital‍ Pact and‌ additional state funds, with a total investment of approximately 13.8 million euros.

Creating Equal Educational ⁢Conditions

By ‍providing teachers with mobile digital devices, the state of Brandenburg seeks to bridge the‌ digital divide and ensure equal educational opportunities for all ‍students.‌ This initiative is a crucial ‌step towards creating the technical prerequisites necessary for diverse educational settings, ultimately enhancing the‌ quality of teaching.

Schools Embracing​ Digitalization

The Vicco-von-Bülow-Gymnasium, recipient of ⁣the first batch of tablets, is well-equipped ⁢to integrate digital technology into ⁢its teaching practices. With ‍broadband internet ⁤access, stable WiFi, and presentation ​technology in all classrooms and specialist‍ rooms, the school is​ poised to harness the full ‍potential of these devices. Deputy head Sven⁢ Jentzen expressed ⁣enthusiasm for the ‌potential of digitalization in modern teaching, stating, “For⁢ students, access to digital worlds is a given these days. iPad classes,⁢ a school ⁢app, messenger communication or data clouds are part of modern ‍everyday‌ teaching.”

A ⁤Look Back at the Journey

District Administrator Marko Köhler ⁢reflected on ⁤the progress made since⁤ 2017-2018,⁣ when the first steps towards digitizing schools were taken. ​He ⁢highlighted ⁣the‍ significant advancements achieved in a relatively short period, citing⁢ the examples of state-of-the-art digital schools ‍like the Vicco-von-Bülow-Gymnasium and⁤ the Grace-Hope School​ in Teltow.

A Bright Future ‌Ahead

As Brandenburg continues to invest in digital education, the future looks promising for students and⁤ teachers alike. By embracing digital technology, the state is ⁢paving the way for innovative teaching methods, enhanced student engagement, and​ ultimately, improved educational outcomes.

SEO Keywords: Brandenburg, Ministry of Education, Steffen Freiberg, tablet PCs,

– How will the introduction of tablet PCs impact teaching methods in Brandenburg?

Brandenburg Takes a Giant Leap in Digital Education: Tablets for All Teachers

On September 13, Brandenburg’s Minister of Education, Steffen Freiberg, handed over the first batch of tablet PCs to teachers at the Vicco-von-Bülow-Gymnasium in Stahnsdorf, marking a significant milestone in the state’s efforts to digitize its education system. This initiative aims to equip schools with the necessary tools to meet the challenges of teaching in a digitalized world, ensuring equal educational conditions for all students.

19,000 Tablet PCs for 700 Schools

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MBJS) has procured 19,000 tablet PCs, which will be distributed to around 700 schools in Brandenburg. This move is expected to have a profound impact on the education sector, providing teachers with the necessary tools to deliver high-quality education in a rapidly changing world.

Addressing Teachers’ Needs

Minister Freiberg emphasized that the tablets are not just devices, but a means to an end. “There are teachers who want to work with Apple and those who prefer Microsoft. We have taken this into account and are responding to the teachers’ wishes,” he said. The state has taken a holistic approach, not only providing devices but also ensuring that teachers receive the necessary training and support to integrate technology into their teaching practices effectively.

Creating Technical Prerequisites for Good Teaching

The procurement of tablet PCs is a critical step in creating the technical prerequisites for diverse educational settings. By providing teachers with the necessary tools, the state is enabling them to design and deliver engaging, interactive, and student-centered lessons that cater to the needs of the 21st-century learner.

Equipping Every Teacher and School Assistant

The MBJS aims to provide every teacher and school assistant in the state of Brandenburg with a tablet PC by the end of the year. This ambitious goal is made possible through a combination of funding from the Digital Pact and additional state funds. The procurement of devices is a crucial investment in the education sector, ensuring that teachers have the resources they need to deliver high-quality education.

A Shared Vision for Digital Education

District Administrator Marko Köhler, who was present at the handover ceremony, recalled the early days of digitizing schools in Brandenburg. “We have achieved a lot in a relatively short time. The Vicco-von-Bülow-Gymnasium is a state-of-the-art digital school, as is the Grace-Hope School in Teltow, which was designed as an Apple school from the start,” he said.

The Vicco-von-Bülow-Gymnasium, which received 56 Apple iPad 10s for its teachers, is a testament to the state’s commitment to digital education. The school’s deputy head, Sven Jentzen, emphasized that digitalization is an essential aspect of modern teaching, stating, “For students, access to digital worlds is a given these days. iPad classes, a school app, messenger communication or data clouds are part of modern everyday teaching.”

A Brighter Future for Brandenburg’s Students

The rollout of tablet PCs in Brandenburg’s schools marks a significant step forward in the state’s digital education journey. By providing teachers with the necessary tools and resources, the state is empowering them to design and deliver engaging, interactive, and student-centered lessons that cater to the needs of the 21st-century learner.

As Brandenburg continues to invest in digital education, it is clear that the state is committed to providing its students with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in an increasingly complex and interconnected world. With every teacher and school assistant equipped with a tablet PC, the possibilities for innovative teaching and learning are endless, and the future looks bright for Brandenburg’s students.



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