Very violent kick to a kitten: emergency surgery, he is at the end of his life – Il Resto del Carlino

Fano, August 22, 2024 – An eight-month-old cat is dying victim of a very violent kick which ruptured his diaphragm, severely damaged his stomach, lungs, liver and spleen and caused a broken femur. The puppy’s owner tells this horrible story, Enzo DiTommasocoordinator of Forza Italia, who on Wednesday morning, around 12:30, found “Micio” dying in the garden of his house in Sant’Orso. “I immediately ran to the vet,” Di Tommaso said, “because Micio was clearly having difficulty breathing: he was immediately given oxygen and put on an IV and then they operated on him. I hope he gets through it, considering his young age he should have a good chance of making it.” Di Tommaso was convinced that the cat had ended up under a car, but instead he discovered from the vet that it was a very violent football. It is difficult to understand who could have been the author of a gratuitous and cruel act, even if Di Tommaso has no intention of letting it slide: “Tomorrow morning I have an appointment with the Carabinieri to file a complaint against unknown persons for animal cruelty”. A criminal offence that carries a prison sentence from three to 18 months or a fine of 5,000 to 30,000 euros for anyone who “through cruelty or without necessity, causes injury to an animal or subjects it to torture or to behavior or to fatigue or to work that is unbearable due to its ethological characteristics”. “If the cat had not been operated on promptly, it would have died” points out Di Tommaso who has already paid over a thousand euros for the surgery and will have to shell out another 3-400 euros to fix the femur. Now to identify the person responsible for so much violence we are counting on the cameras present along via Bellandra. “I can’t say where it happened. This is a transit area due to the presence of a gas station, a gym and a bar. Micio and his brother Frisby live in the garden, accustomed to people and animals: they share a kennel with the dog. Of course sometimes they jump over the fence and climb trees”. And it was on one of these occasions that Micio must have encountered the person who kicked him. “In his condition I don’t know how he managed to drag himself to our garden where we found him and helped him”.



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