Very hot weather in the south .. Find out the expected temperatures until Tuesday

The Meteorological Authority revealed a case the weather Expected until next Tuesday, when the country will witness hot weather during the day on Greater Cairo, Lower Egypt, South Sinai and North Upper Egypt, moderate on the northern coasts, very hot on southern Upper Egypt, pleasant at night on Greater Cairo, Lower Egypt and northern Upper Egypt, tending to cold on the northern coasts, moderate on South Sinai and the south of the country.

For its readers, the seventh day publishes the details of the expected maximum and minimum temperatures until Tuesday, as follows:

Expected temperatures Friday, May 13:

Cairo and Lower Egypt Great 33 degrees Minor 22.

Great North Coast 26 degrees Minor 20.

South Sinai Great 38 degrees Minor 26.

North Upper Egypt 40 degrees Minor 25.

Southern Upper Egypt, the Great 43 degrees, the lowest 28.

Expected temperatures Saturday, May 14:

Cairo and Lower Egypt, Greater 34 degrees, Minor 20.

Great North Coast 25 degrees Minor 19.

South Sinai Great 39 degrees Minor 25.

North Upper Egypt 40 degrees Minor 23.

Southern Upper Egypt, the Great 44 degrees, the Minor 28.

Expected temperatures Sunday, May 15:

Cairo and Lower Egypt, Great 31 degrees Minor 18.

Great North Coast 24 degrees Minor 17.

South Sinai Great 37 degrees Minor 25.

North Upper Egypt 35 degrees Minor 21.

South Upper Egypt 43 degrees Minor 26.

Expected temperatures Monday, May 16:

Cairo and Lower Egypt, Great 30 degrees, Minor 18.

Great North Coast 25 degrees Minor 17.

South Sinai Great 34 degrees Minor 25.

North of Upper Egypt, the Great 33 degrees, the lowest 20.

South Upper Egypt 42 degrees Minor 26.

Expected temperatures Tuesday, May 17:

Cairo and Lower Egypt, Great 31 degrees Minor 18.

Great North Coast 26 degrees Minor 17.

South Sinai Great 34 degrees Minor 25.

North of Upper Egypt, the Great 33 degrees, the lowest 20.

South Upper Egypt 42 degrees Minor 26.

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