Verviers Criminal Court Case: 26-Year-Old Accused of Rape and Sexual Assault on 13-Year-Old Girl

2024-01-05 11:48:08

The Verviers criminal court looked into a morals case on Friday. A resident of Welkenraedt, born in 1994, is accused of rape and sexual assault on a 13-year-old girl, met on social networks. The public prosecutor requested a sentence of 5 years in prison.

A complaint was filed on August 4, 2020 by the victim’s father. “That day, his wife received a message from an ex-partner of the accused. She indicates that her minor daughter is with a 26-year-old man, who uses hard drugs. She adds that he has sexual relations with young women and that once they are pregnant, he leaves them,” explains the public prosecutor. He adds that the parents then went to look for their daughter at the defendant’s house. “She is in a daze, has consumed drugs and has lesions suggestive of rape or attack on sexual integrity,” insists the prosecution.

For his part, the defendant, father of seven children, admits to having had sexual relations with the young girl, but he claims not to have been aware of her age. He also admits to having used drugs with the young woman who spent three days at his house. The defense highlights a family problem within the young girl’s entourage, who had accepted that she spend a week with her boyfriend, without knowing him.

For these facts, the public prosecutor is demanding a prison sentence of 5 years, but it is not opposed to a long probationary sentence, accompanied by strict conditions. The defense also pleads in favor of a probationary suspension. The judgment is expected on February 2.


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