Venus-Saturn opposition for 4 signs

The Venus-Saturn opposition can bring obstacles and delays in home matters or problems within your family environment. It is possible these days that you clash with your partner or those close to you, or feel that others do not respond to your feelings. So on the one hand you may have all the good will to express your love and interest to others, but be met with coldness or indifference. All this atmosphere is sure to have a negative effect on your psychology, and it is possible that you will feel the need to isolate yourself and stay with yourself for a while. After all, it is a good opportunity to turn within yourself and take stock and put your feelings in order. In addition, this opposition invites you to cut ties with the past and leave behind people and situations that weigh you down. For some, this aspect may indicate a dysthymia associated with the volume of their obligations both at work and at home and family.

Venus is in your own sign and this position is positive in the long run because it will give you charm, sparkle and good mood. However, this difficult Saturn opposition on 08/19 comes to bring you back down to earth as it brings to the fore the misprints of important relationships in your life. Problems and obstacles can plummet your self-confidence and psychology these days, and it is possible that you feel that you are inadequate or that you have to try hard to bring others to you. Many of you may be faced with a dilemma and have to make an important decision regarding the future of your relationship or your professional life. Saturn opposite you reminds you that you must act with logic and calmness and not be carried away by emotion, however difficult this may be.

The demanding Venus-Saturn opposition on 08/19 brings obstacles and challenges regarding your career and professional life. It is very likely that these days you will come into conflict with superiors or authority figures or feel that your efforts and efforts are not recognized, which will discourage you and can drop your psychology. So these days you should try very hard to get the desired results and take the credit, but you should never give up. On the other hand, some of you may face complaints from your partner or family members, especially if you have been neglecting them lately due to your commitments. In general, balances are very delicate these days and pressures are very high, so it is very important to plan properly and not push situations to extremes.

Venus from Virgo opposes Saturn from your own sign, a violent aspect that will test your interpersonal relationships as well as your partnerships. Saturn calls you to behave with maturity and seriousness towards others, to set strict limits and rules and above all to distance yourself from people and situations that no longer benefit you. The margins have narrowed and you should not allow anyone to take advantage of you or try to manipulate you. So this aspect will force you to put sentimentality aside and show others your strictest face. Some of you may feel that a person is letting you down because they don’t rise to the occasion and you don’t feel like they offer you the security and stability you are looking for. On the other hand, those people who will stand by you in these difficult times are also the ones you should keep in your life.

#VenusSaturn #opposition #signs



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