Venice Investigation, Councilor Renato Boraso Resigns –

Venice Investigation, the Mobility Councilor, Renato Boraso, has resigned. The earthquake around the lagoon municipality does not stop following the corruption investigation. The former councilor communicated this from the prison in Padua. “My client Renato Boraso has signed his final and irrevocable resignation and delivered it to me. Tomorrow morning I will deposit it at the Municipality in Venice”. The lawyer Umberto Pauro confirms what the former mobility councilor of Venice had leaked, namely that he would resign “as soon as possible” from his public office. The Venetian lawyer also confirms that on Friday 19 July in the prison at Due Palazzi in Padua there will be the interrogation of the now former Venetian councilor, who is accused of crimes of corruption, extortion and self-laundering.

Tenders and corruption, who is behind the investigation that shook Venice

The first interrogation of Renato Boraso, the councilor for mobility arrested for the bribery scandal that in a different line of investigation led to a notice of investigation also for the mayor Luigi Brugnaro for the Pili area, might be held as early as Friday the 19th in prison in Padua, where he is currently being held in pre-trial detention due to the risk of tampering with evidence. Boraso is accused of 11 different episodes of corruption in the last 6 years for approximately 500 thousand euros. Meanwhile, at the city council of Venice, the controversy continues between the majority and the opposition that is calling for Brugnaro’s resignation and an extraordinary city council in which to politically address the issues that emerged from the investigation. The mayor, in a letter, said that he will not avoid it and in fact he himself will put it on the agenda in one of the next councils.

#Venice #Investigation #Councilor #Renato #Boraso #Resigns #Tempo
2024-07-19 07:09:02



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