Venezuela’s non-oil exports reach 47 countries

The director of the Venezuelan Association of Exporters (AVEX), Jesly Lusinchi, stated that the country’s non-oil exports are reaching 47 countries.

“This means that there are companies that are making an effort despite not having tariff preferences, despite the fact that we do not have all free trade agreements,” he highlighted.

The AVEX executive detailed the country exports “radiators, batteries, textiles, we are exporting aluminum products, metal-mechanical products.”

In an interview for a radio outlet, Lusinchi highlighted that the new Law for the Promotion of Non-Petroleum Exports, approved unanimously in the National Assembly last Wednesday, will influence the reduction of costs for transferring merchandise from one territory to another, as well as generate more employment and price competitiveness.

Production capacity

For his part, the president of AVEX, Gustavo González Velutini, revealed that Venezuela’s production capacity “is much larger than the capacity to consume.”

In addition, he highlighted as positive the agreements reached between the Republic and the World Trade Organization (WTO), as well as the recent approval of the Non-Petroleum Exports law.

#Venezuelas #nonoil #exports #reach #countries
2024-07-20 14:15:56



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