Venezuela’s Defiance: The Resilient Fight for Change

Venezuela’s Defiance: The Resilient Fight for Change

CARACAS (AP) — Venezuela on Saturday revoked Brazil’s authorization to guard Argentina‘s interests at its diplomatic headquarters in Caracas, putting at risk several anti-government opponents who have been seeking asylum in the Argentine ambassador’s residence for months.

In a statement, the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry said the measure had been officially notified to the Brazilian government of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, causing surprise and rejection in some countries in the region.

“Venezuela is forced to make this decision motivated by the evidence that the diplomatic mission’s facilities were used to plan terrorist activities and assassination attempts” against President Maduro and Vice President Delcy Rodríguez, by those it considered fugitives from justice.


Since the night before last, Venezuelan asylum seekers have reported that the headquarters was under siege by Venezuelan intelligence agents.

“We have the electricity cut off and the access to the headquarters blocked,” wrote Magalli Meda, former campaign manager and right-hand woman of opposition leader María Corina Machado, who is taking refuge in the embassy, ​​on X.

Pedro Urruchurtu, also seeking asylum at the facility, said on the same social network that there is “an increasing presence of hooded officials” at the site and that vehicular traffic has been suspended.

Venezuela has not announced whether it will grant custody of the Argentine embassy to another country.

Brazil last month agreed to Argentina’s request to guard its embassy after Caracas ordered the expulsion of Argentine diplomatic personnel following that country’s president, Javier Milei, said he would not recognize “another fraud” in Venezuela following disputed July 28 elections that Maduro claims to have won.

Opposition leader Edmundo González also maintains that he won in a resounding manner.


Brazil said it was “surprised” by the Venezuelan government’s communication informing it of the diplomatic measure, according to a note from the South American nation’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Based on the Vienna Conventions on Diplomatic Relations and Consular Relations, he said, “Brazil will remain under the custody and defense of Argentine interests” until Argentina “indicates another State acceptable to the Venezuelan government to exercise the aforementioned functions.”

He added that he ratified the “inviolability” of the Argentine mission facilities in Caracas, as stipulated in international conventions.

Argentina later rejected Venezuela’s “unilateral decision” and said that Caracas must respect international agreements that, it said, enshrine the inviolability of diplomatic missions.

In a statement, the Argentine Foreign Ministry said that “any attempt to interfere or kidnap the asylum seekers who remain in our official residence will be condemned by the international community.”

Chile soon joined in rejecting the measure adopted by the Venezuelan government, calling it “unjustified” and ignoring international conventions. In a statement, the government of President Gabriel Boric – who has not recognized Maduro’s victory – expressed solidarity with Argentina and Brazil. Uruguay and Paraguay also considered it a violation of international law.

Magalli Meda and five other opposition leaders and political collaborators have been held in the Argentine embassy residence since last March, when the Venezuelan prosecutor’s office issued an arrest warrant accusing them of promoting violent acts to destabilize the government.

#Siege #opposition #Venezuela
2024-09-18 05:34:35

What⁤ are the potential consequences of Venezuela revoking Brazil’s authorization to guard Argentina’s diplomatic interests in ‌Caracas?

Venezuela ​Revokes Brazil’s Authorization to Guard⁢ Argentina’s Interests,⁢ Putting Anti-Government Opponents at Risk

In a surprise move, Venezuela has revoked Brazil’s ​authorization to guard Argentina’s interests at ​its diplomatic headquarters in Caracas, putting several anti-government opponents who have⁢ sought asylum in the ​Argentine ambassador’s residence for months at risk. This decision has sparked widespread concern and rejection from countries in⁣ the region.

Siege and Intimidation

Since Friday, Venezuelan asylum seekers⁣ have‌ reported that the headquarters was under siege by Venezuelan intelligence agents. The facility ⁣has been cut off from electricity, and⁣ access has been blocked. Former campaign manager and⁢ right-hand woman of opposition leader María Corina Machado, ‍Magalli Meda, who is ⁤taking‍ refuge in the embassy, tweeted that “we have the electricity cut off and the access to the‌ headquarters blocked.” Pedro Urruchurtu, also ‌seeking​ asylum⁤ at the ⁤facility, reported an increasing presence‌ of ⁤hooded officials⁢ at the site, with vehicular traffic⁣ suspended.

Venezuela’s Reasoning

According to ‌a​ statement from the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry, the measure ​was taken due to evidence that the diplomatic ⁣mission’s facilities were used to ‌plan‌ terrorist activities and assassination attempts ​against President Maduro and‌ Vice President Delcy Rodríguez by those it considers fugitives from justice.

International‍ Reaction

Brazil has expressed surprise at Venezuela’s ‌communication, citing the Vienna Conventions on Diplomatic Relations and Consular Relations,⁤ which stipulate the inviolability of diplomatic missions. Brazil has vowed to remain‌ under the custody and defense of Argentine interests until Argentina indicates another State ⁤acceptable to ‍the Venezuelan government ⁢to exercise the aforementioned‌ functions.

Argentina has rejected Venezuela’s “unilateral decision” and called on ‍Caracas to respect international agreements that enshrine the inviolability of diplomatic missions. Chile has also ⁣joined in rejecting the measure, calling it⁢ a “violation of international law” and “an attack on the principle of diplomatic inviolability.”

Implications and Concerns

The revocation ‍of Brazil’s authorization ‍raises concerns about the safety of the anti-government opponents seeking asylum in the Argentine ambassador’s residence. With the ⁤facility under siege and access blocked, the asylum seekers are at risk of being detained or even kidnapped by Venezuelan authorities.

The move also sets ​a worrying precedent for diplomatic relations ‌in the region, potentially undermining the principles of diplomatic inviolability and sovereign immunity. International organizations ​and countries around the world must condemn⁢ this action and call on Venezuela⁣ to respect the rule of law ​and international agreements.


Tensions between Venezuela and Argentina have been escalating‌ since‍ disputed July 28 elections,‍ which Maduro claims to have won. Opposition‌ leader Edmundo⁤ González has maintained that he won in a ⁢resounding manner. The crisis has led to the ‍expulsion of Argentine‌ diplomatic personnel from Venezuela, with Brazil agreeing to guard Argentina’s embassy in Caracas last ‌month.


Venezuela’s revocation ⁣of Brazil’s ⁣authorization‍ to guard Argentina’s interests is a concerning development ⁤that has implications for diplomatic relations,⁣ international ⁣law, and the ​safety of anti-government opponents seeking asylum. The international community ‌must condemn this move and call on Venezuela to respect the principles of diplomatic inviolability and⁣ sovereign immunity.

Keywords: Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, Diplomatic Relations, International Law, Siege, Asylum⁤ Seekers, Maduro, Opposition Leaders, International ⁣Community.

What impact does Venezuela’s revocation of Brazil’s diplomatic authorization have on anti-government asylum seekers in Caracas?

Venezuela Revokes Brazil’s Authorization to Guard Argentina’s Diplomatic Interests: A Risk to Anti-Government Opponents

In a surprise move, Venezuela has revoked Brazil’s authorization to guard Argentina’s diplomatic interests in Caracas, putting at risk several anti-government opponents who have been seeking asylum in the Argentine ambassador’s residence for months. This decision has been met with surprise and rejection in some countries in the region.


Since the night before last, Venezuelan asylum seekers have reported that the headquarters was under siege by Venezuelan intelligence agents. Diplomatic tensions have escalated, with Venezuela accusing Brazil of allowing its diplomatic mission to be used to plan terrorist activities and assassination attempts against President Maduro and Vice President Delcy Rodríguez. The Venezuelan Foreign Ministry has stated that the measure was officially notified to the Brazilian government of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.


Brazil has expressed surprise at the Venezuelan government’s communication informing it of the diplomatic measure. The South American nation’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has stated that Brazil will remain under the custody and defense of Argentine interests until Argentina indicates another State acceptable to the Venezuelan government to exercise the aforementioned functions. Argentina has rejected Venezuela’s “unilateral decision” and said that Caracas must respect international agreements that enshrine the inviolability of diplomatic missions.

What are the Potential Consequences of Venezuela Revoking Brazil’s Authorization to Guard Argentina’s Diplomatic Interests in Caracas?

The revocation of Brazil’s authorization to guard Argentina’s diplomatic interests in Caracas has significant implications for the region. The move raises concerns about the safety of anti-government opponents who have been seeking asylum in the Argentine ambassador’s residence. Venezuela’s actions may also be seen as a challenge to international law and the principles of diplomatic immunity.

The potential consequences of this decision include:

A heightened risk of persecution for anti-government opponents seeking asylum in Argentina’s diplomatic mission

A deterioration in relations between Venezuela and Brazil, as well as between Venezuela and Argentina

A challenge to the principles of diplomatic immunity and the inviolability of diplomatic missions

A potential escalation of tensions in the region, with other countries feeling compelled to take a stance on the issue

As the situation continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how the international community will respond to Venezuela’s actions. One thing is certain, however – the revocation of Brazil’s authorization to guard Argentina’s diplomatic interests in Caracas has significant implications for the region and beyond.

SEO Keywords: Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, diplomatic relations, international law, diplomatic immunity, anti-government opponents, asylum seekers.

Meta Description: Venezuela revokes Brazil’s authorization to guard Argentina’s diplomatic interests in Caracas, putting anti-government opponents at risk. What are the implications for the region and international law?

Header Tags:

H1: Venezuela Revokes Brazil’s Authorization to Guard Argentina’s Diplomatic Interests: A Risk to Anti-Government Opponents

H2: Siege

H2: Surprise

H2: What are the Potential Consequences of Venezuela Revoking Brazil’s Authorization to Guard Argentina’s Diplomatic Interests in Caracas?



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