Venezuela’s Consensus: Path to Economic Recovery, Rejection of Sanctions, Peace & Social Welfare

2023-08-15 01:11:08

SEE / Yuleidys Hernández Toledo

Recover the path of recovery and economic growth, the rejection of Unilateral Coercive Measures, preserve peace and the need to rescue the social welfare state, social equality. These are the four (4) fundamental issues on which Venezuela has a consensus. This was stated by the Head of State, Nicolás Maduro, this Monday, August 14.

During the twelfth edition of his program With Maduro + He stressed that the first consensus that moves all Venezuelans “is to continue the path of recovery and economic growth, within the framework of building a new economy. This is fundamental and of the first level: to continue building a diversified economy and each one making his contribution, coming out ahead with his efforts and with the support of public policies and financing”.

The second consensus has to do with the rejection of the criminal sanctions that weigh on the country, the unilateral coercive measures. “It is a consensus of 84% of all of Venezuela, according to all the surveys, 84% demand that all sanctions be lifted (…) that they leave us still, in peace, calm. Sanctions out of here!

The need to preserve peace is the third consensus, for the purposes of always seeking internal stability, community work and support and “reject calls for hatred, intolerance and fascism. Venezuela declares itself anti-fascist.

He added as a fourth consensus the need to rescue the social welfare state “that we had, the need for social equality, the need to heal the social wounds that exist on wages, social security, and on social life in general.”

“Completely rescue the welfare state that we already live in, that we have already built,” he added.

He called to unite around these consensuses to move the country forward.

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