Venezuelans Represent 40% of Spain’s Asylum Requests

  • CEAR said that 15% of the requests have been resolved favorably | Photo: EFE/Daniel González

The Spanish Commission for Refugee Aid (CEAR) revealed on Friday, September 13, that 111,463 people have requested asylum in Spain between January and August 2024. Of this number, almost 40% are Venezuelans.

Almost 4 out of 10 asylum applications in Spain come from people from Venezuela, according to information published in Europa Press.

DINNER The agency said that 15% of these requests have been resolved favorably. This translates into an increase of 2% in August 2024. However, the agency detailed that the authorities continue to deny one in two.

The organization also warned that 40% of people who receive asylum, mostly Venezuelans, are only granted protection for humanitarian reasons. This measure has fewer “less guarantees,” according to the organization.

He therefore urged the Spanish authorities to “put on the table more strategic approaches that encourage legal avenues” for migrants.

In this regard, he called for the arrival of people “in need of shelter to be addressed from the perspective of inclusion and co-responsibility for their social well-being.”

EFE/ Borja Sanchez-trillo

Venezuelans top the list for asylum in Spain

Spanish authorities reported on September 9 that Venezuelan, Colombian and Peruvian citizens They accounted for almost 80% of the more than 163 thousand applications for international protection in Spain submitted during 2023.

Overall, in 2023, more than 60,500 Venezuelan citizens requested asylum in Spain and 40,674 received protection for humanitarian reasons.

What is humanitarian protection?

Protection for humanitarian reasons is a figure that Spain began to grant following the political and humanitarian crisis in Venezuela and which involves recognizing a humanitarian temporary residence or stay permit.

The data confirm the progressive increase in the population of Venezuelan origin in Spain. According to official data, the number of Venezuelan migrants has multiplied by more than seven in the last 10 years.

After Venezuela, the list of requests continues with Colombia, with 53,564 claims filed in 2023, and Peru, with 14,308.

A center was created in Spain to raise awareness and support forced Venezuelan migrants

Photo: EFE

What does the Asylum Law in Spain say?

The Law on the Right to Asylum and Subsidiary Protection The asylum law, recognised in the Spanish Constitution, applies to citizens from outside the European Union who are recognised as refugees by Spain. This consideration is given after assessing whether the applicant is persecuted in his or her country of origin for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinions, membership of a particular social group, gender or sexual orientation.

On the other hand, persons who do not qualify as refugees but cannot return to their country because they risk being sentenced to death or suffering torture and serious threats to their life are granted subsidiary protection.

Venezuelans led the list of asylum applications in Spain in 2023

Photo: EFE

The protection granted by international protection, which includes both the right to asylum and subsidiary protection, consists of the non-return or expulsion of persons to whom it has been granted.

Beneficiaries will not be returned to their country of origin, will obtain a permanent residence and work permit, an identity document, will have the right to reunite with immediate family members and access to public employment, education, health, housing or social services. In addition, the time periods for obtaining Spanish nationality will be reduced.

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#reported #asylum #applications #Spain #correspond #Venezuelans
2024-09-15 01:56:40

Mind⁣ when ‍using the `

` element ⁣in⁣ HTML:

I apologize, but the​ provided text appears⁣ to​ be a news article ⁤about asylum seekers in Spain, specifically Venezuelans, and not related to the ​HTML element


If you meant to⁣ ask me to write an article about the HTML element

, here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article:

What is a

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element is a generic container element in⁤ HTML used to group elements for styling, layout, ⁢or semantic purposes. It is‌ a⁢ block-level element, ⁤which means it takes up a full line of‌ space and applies styles to all the elements it contains.

Purpose of



​element serves several purposes in HTML:

  1. Grouping elements:
    is used to group⁣ a set of elements together for⁢ styling or layout purposes. This makes ‍it easier to apply CSS styles to a group of elements at once.
  2. Semantic meaning:
    ​can be⁤ used⁣ to add semantic meaning to a section of ​content, such as wrapping a group of paragraphs in a

    with an ID or ⁢class to ‌indicate a specific section or module on the page.
  3. Layout‍ and positioning:
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how to use


To use the

element, simply wrap the elements you want to group or‍ style ‍with the


You can add attributes to the⁢

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Best practices‍ for ⁤using

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Here are some best ⁤practices to keep in



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