Venezuelans make themselves felt around the world protesting against the election results

Venezuelans make themselves felt around the world protesting against the election results

The great World protest against the results of the Venezuelan presidential elections on July 28, has already been felt in various cities around the world this Saturday, August 17.

In Brusselsthe capital of Belgiumright in the center of the city, more than 250 compatriots gathered to raise their voice against what they consider a “fraud”, since they maintain that the victory in these elections was for the candidate of the Unitary Platform, Edmundo González Urrutia, and it doesn’t stop Nicolas Maduro As proclaimed by the National Electoral Council (CNE).

This Government has us in poverty, with little freedom of expression (…) If we had been there, we would probably also be in prison, we cannot say that we do not agree.“Wilmer Veliz, a Carabobo native who has been living in Brussels for eight months, told Efe.

The Valencian assured that with his presence in this protest, one of those called this Saturday in 115 cities around the world, what is sought is for the world to see that “We are eight million Venezuelans who are abroad and we are still active”.

We are a majority of Venezuelans around the world who want the best for our country, who want freedom. In this way we put a little pressure and encourage all Venezuelans who are in Venezuela, so that they know that we are with them.“, he added.

Hundreds of Venezuelans demonstrated peacefully this Saturday in London and other cities in the United Kingdom to demand freedom for their native country and to denounce, with the minutes in hand, the “fraud” of the recent presidential elections of July 28. EFE/ConVzlaUK EDITORIAL USE ONLY/ONLY AVAILABLE TO ILLUSTRATE THE ACCOMPANYING NEWS (CREDIT MANDATORY)

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Hundreds of Venezuelans demonstrated peacefully this Saturday in London and other cities in the United Kingdom to demand freedom for their native country (EFE/ConVzlaUK)

In the same way, hundreds of Venezuelans demonstrated this Saturday in London and other cities of the United Kingdom to demand freedom for their country and to denounce, with the records in hand, the “fraud” of the recent presidential elections of July 28.

The protesters held up copies of the electoral records presented by the Venezuelan opposition, which gave victory to candidate Edmundo González with 67% of the votes, more than 7.3 million, against the Chavista candidate Nicolás Maduro, who obtained 30% and 3.3 million votes, and which contradict the official version.

In Oceania The cry for freedom for Venezuela was also heard in the Australian city of Sydney, where dozens of Venezuelans also gathered to denounce the “electoral fraud” of the presidential elections of July 28, in the context of the global protest.

According to what the ConVzla Command delegation in the United Kingdom confirmed to Efe, Between 450 and 600 Venezuelans living in the British capital gathered at the doors of the Venezuelan Embassy in the British capitallocated in the Chelsea neighborhood, with cries of “We want freedom for Venezuela and we want it now and “Edmundo President”«.

Venezuelans make themselves felt around the world protesting against the election results

«Venezuela I want you free» o «Sovereignty, peaceful transition to democracy: Long live free Venezuela, glory to the brave people“o,” were just some of the messages that could be read on some of the banners displayed in central Sydney, where the national anthem was sung.

Meanwhile, children wrapped in Venezuelan flags held signs with phrases like “I want to know Venezuela” or “I want to hug my grandfather“, and the attendees chanted: “Who are we? Venezuela, what do we want? Freedom!«. A similar situation occurred in cities in Japan and New Zealand, where the purpose was the same: to protest against the regime of Nicolás Maduro due to the refusal to present the electoral records that are proof of Edmundo González Urrutia’s victory.

#Venezuelans #felt #world #protesting #election #results
2024-08-20 21:57:34



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