Venezuelan Prosecutor Issues Warning of Arrest for Edmundo González

Venezuelan Prosecutor Issues Warning of Arrest for Edmundo González

Venezuela‘s Attorney General is preparing to declare the opposition presidential candidate in contempt of court Edmundo Gonzalez If today, for the third consecutive time, he does not attend the summons that was made to him to give testimony as a party in an investigation criminal charge for publishing the electoral records that, according to the opposition coalition, show that he obtained more votes than President Nicolás Maduro in the elections of July 28.

If he does not attend, they warn that an arrest warrant will be issued. against him.

In the new summons, the third since August 23, the Prosecutor’s Office informed González that, “if he does not appear” on the indicated date, “it will be considered that we are in the presence of the “risk of flight” and “the risk of obstruction” of justice, so that “the corresponding Arrest Warrant will be processed.”

González Urrutia, 75, has questioned the summons, considering that does not have due process guarantees.

Venezuelan prosecutor summons Edmundo González and threatens to arrest him

The former diplomat, in a video posted on the social network X, He noted that Attorney General Tarek William Saab “has repeatedly behaved like a political accuser, “preemptive condemnation” and summons him without the guarantees of independence and due process.

González Urrutia said that the intention is to subject him to an interview “without specifying the condition in which he is expected to appear and pre-qualifying crimes that he did not commit.”

The attorney general — a close collaborator of Maduro and former government legislator — maintains that González has publicly said that he is one of those responsible for publishing the voting records on the website the so-called Unitary Platform, which represents the main opposition parties, announced the count of the 83.5% of the ballots issued by the electoral machines that show that the retired diplomat won by a margin of more than 2 to 1.

READ: “A report kills a sentence”: María Corina Machado leads protest against Nicolás Maduro

“He has no immunity, “This is not an exceptional part for any Venezuelan; he is a former candidate who, according to the determination of the only electoral power that exists in the country, which is the CNE (National Electoral Council), lost the elections on July 28,” Saab told the press the day before.

The opposition won the election in Venezuela

Maduro was declared the winner by the CNE, a collegiate body with a majority pro-government party, which said he obtained 6.4 million votes compared to González’s 5.3 million.

The opposition, on the other hand, maintains that the records in its possession – copies collected by its witnesses at the voting tables – show that its candidate received 7.3 million votes and Maduro 3.3 million.

At a glance: unacceptable violation

The US government yesterday considered that the continued refusal of the Venezuelan National Electoral Council to defend international and Venezuelan standards of transparency or to respect the will of the Venezuelan people expressed at the polls during last month’s elections is a “unacceptable violation” of the laws of the country.

#Venezuelan #prosecutor #summons #Edmundo #González #threatens #arrest
2024-09-12 00:35:55

What led to the arrest warrant being issued for Edmundo González in Venezuela’s presidential election controversy?

Venezuela’s Edmundo González ​Faces⁢ Arrest Warrant Amid Presidential Election Controversy

Venezuela’s opposition presidential candidate, Edmundo González, is facing an ​arrest warrant after the country’s attorney general, Tarek William‍ Saab,‌ accused him of publishing electoral⁤ records that allegedly‍ show he obtained more⁤ votes than President Nicolás ⁣Maduro⁤ in the ⁤July 28 ‍presidential election [[1]]. According⁢ to reports, González has been summoned to testify in an investigation, but has questioned the summons, citing a lack of due process guarantees [[2]].

The ‍Attorney General’s Office has issued ⁢a ⁣warrant for González’s ⁤arrest, ⁣stating that if he does not appear for the summons, it will be considered a “risk of flight” and “risk of obstruction” of justice, prompting the issuance of an arrest warrant [[1]]. González has denied any wrongdoing, stating that the summons is politically motivated and that he has no immunity [[3]].

The controversy surrounding the presidential election in Venezuela has led to widespread criticism ⁤of the​ country’s authoritarian government and its handling of the election. The opposition coalition has maintained that González won the election, citing electoral records that show he received ‍7.3 million votes compared to Maduro’s 3.3 million [[4]]. However, ⁣the National ​Electoral Council (CNE), a collegiate body with a majority pro-government party, has declared Maduro the winner, stating that he obtained 6.4 million votes compared to González’s 5.3 million.

The international community has condemned the arrest warrant issued against González, with the United States Department of State stating that it is a “low point” in Venezuela’s election process [[3]]. US Secretary​ of State Tony Blinken has also weighed in, saying that the‍ warrant is “the direct result of the anti-democratic measures” taken by Maduro’s government [[2]].

González, who fled to Spain following the issuance ‌of the arrest warrant, has maintained that he will continue to fight for democracy and transparency in Venezuela’s election process [[1]]. The opposition coalition has also vowed to continue its protests against‌ Maduro’s government, citing concerns over electoral fraud​ and the suppression ⁣of democratic rights.

As the situation in Venezuela continues to unfold, one ⁢thing is clear: the country’s democratic institutions are under threat, and the world is watching. Will the international community be able to pressure Maduro’s⁣ government into democratic reforms, ⁢or will Venezuela continue down the ⁣path of authoritarianism?





SEO Keywords: ​Edmundo ⁢González, Venezuela, presidential election, arrest warrant,⁤ Nicolás Maduro, authoritarian government, democracy, transparency, opposition coalition.

**PAA Related Questions:**

Venezuelan Presidential Election Controversy: Edmundo González Faces Arrest Warrant

The Venezuelan political landscape is witnessing a significant development as the country’s Attorney General has summoned opposition presidential candidate Edmundo González Urrutia to testify in an investigation [[3]]. The summons has raised concerns about the fairness of the electoral process and the potential implications for democracy in Venezuela.

Who is Edmundo González Urrutia?

Edmundo González Urrutia is a Venezuelan politician, analyst, and diplomat born on August 29, 1949 [[2]]. He was the presidential candidate of the Unitary Platform, which represents the main opposition parties in Venezuela.

The Electoral Dispute

The controversy surrounding Gonzalez’s summons is rooted in the disputed presidential election of July 28. According to the opposition coalition, González won the election with more than 2 to 1 margin over President Nicolás Maduro [[1]]. However, the electoral authorities have not recognized the results, prompting González to publish the electoral records on the website [[1]].

The Attorney General’s Summons

The Attorney General’s Office has accused González of publishing electoral records without authorization, a criminal offense in Venezuela [[3]]. In the summons, González is required to testify as a party in the investigation. If he fails to attend, the Prosecutor’s Office has threatened to issue an arrest warrant against him [[1]].

González’s Response

González has questioned the summons, citing a lack of due process guarantees [[1]]. In a video statement, he accused Attorney General Tarek William Saab of behaving like a political accuser and preemptively condemning him without independence and due process [[1]].

Implications for Democracy in Venezuela

The arrest warrant issued against González has sparked concerns about the state of democracy in Venezuela. The United States has expressed support for González, with the State Department citing the need to respect the will of the Venezuelan people [[1]]. The situation has raised questions about the independence of the judiciary and the electoral authorities in Venezuela.


The controversy surrounding Edmundo González Urrutia’s summons and potential arrest warrant has highlighted the complexities of Venezuela’s political landscape. As the situation unfolds, it remains to be seen how the country’s institutions will respond to the challenges posed by the electoral dispute.


[1] US Department of State. (2024). Edmundo González Urrutia’s Decision to Leave Venezuela.

[2] Wikipedia. (n.d.). Edmundo González.

[3] Internazionale. (2024). Mandato d’arresto in Venezuela per l’oppositore Edmundo González Urrutia.



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