Venezuelan Prisoners’ Daring Escape: The Tunnel That Led to an Unexpected Encounter with Police


<a data-mil="6219049" href="" title="Holocaust Day 2024: TV viewing recommendations">Prisoners</a> Attempt Escape in Venezuela but Encounter Police Training

Humorous Escape Attempt by ​Prisoners in Venezuela

April 24,‍ 2024

In Venezuela, a group of prisoners attempted to escape from a prison but ended up ​on a police training⁤ course. Twenty intrepid inmates made a​ real-time realization ​of their blunder ‍as they emerged from a hole they‍ had dug. They literally “fell” into the midst of police training in Maracaibo, ​Venezuela.

Footage shows the officers ⁣assisting the inmates⁤ through the narrow wall opening‌ before escorting them back to the prison.

The situation became ⁢awkward for the group of approximately 30 unarmed ⁣police officers.

The police later confirmed ​that⁤ “everything is now under control,” noting that​ three prisoners required⁤ treatment ⁣for minor injuries sustained during their failed escape. Video footage of the incident shows⁤ several ⁣men in yellow uniforms being apprehended after breaking through the outer wall, according to reports.

The‍ tunnel’s ⁤opening was so small that the escapees could only squeeze directly into the arms of the waiting officers.

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