Venezuelan opposition issues statement on actions of the TSJ Electoral Chamber

Edmundo González Urrutia, opposition leader María Corina Machado and the Unitary Platform issued a statement on Wednesday regarding the recent actions of the Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice, which is conducting the expert appraisal of the voting records of the presidential elections.

Sovereignty resides untransferably in the people and we will respect it (…) On the claim to validate electoral fraud through the TSJ…,” said Maria Corina Machado.

Full statement: ‘When the people vote and decide, the powers abide

On July 28, 2024, the people of Venezuela spoke. That day, with their vote, they gave a mandate in clear compliance with Article 5 of our Constitution: “Sovereignty resides untransferably in the People.
The President exercises it directly in the manner provided for in this Constitution and in the law, and indirectly, through suffrage, by the organs that exercise Public Power. The organs of the State emanate from popular sovereignty and are subject to it.” The people decided that the new constitutional president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela for the period 2025-2031 is Edmundo González Urrutia.

This is, without a doubt, the most important civic achievement of the 21st century. Millions of voters, with their votes, opened the floodgates to Venezuela’s democratic future.

The decision of the people cannot be ignored by any person, no matter what position of power they hold, by any body of public power and much less by those who seek to cling to power.

The National Electoral Council (CNE) must enforce what the people ordered and comply with and enforce the Constitution and the laws. As we have reiterated in various communications, the Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) cannot assume the functions and powers of the electoral body, since they are not its responsibility.

The Electoral Chamber of the TSJ is not authorized under any circumstances to exercise these functions. If it did so, it would be violating the principle of separation of public powers, clearly established in substance and form in the Constitution. It would also be invading the exclusive duty of the CNE and trampling on the decision of the people expressed at the polls.

According to our Constitution, any eventual ruling by the Electoral Chamber that could validate the electoral fraud that is being sought to be imposed would be ineffective and null. The judges of said Chamber would be violating the inalienable rights of the voters and would incur criminal, civil and administrative liability. To this end, as stated in article 138 of our constitutional text: “Any usurped authority is ineffective and its acts are null.

Venezuelans know the results of the July 28 elections, although to this day, more than three weeks after the elections, the CNE has not published the results and has not complied with the development of verification and control guidelines. It is inconceivable that the electoral body has announced the results, as well as a proclamation, without offering the evidence that we do have and have made available to Venezuelans and the world. We demand transparency and strict compliance with the rule of law. We will not accept the judicialization of the democratic change that the people decided on.

We thank the countries of the world that have expressed the need for an independent and reliable international audit of the minutes, at the headquarters of the CNE and with the presence of representatives of the political forces. We also warn that there is an attempt to judicially annihilate Popular Sovereignty.

We Venezuelans must be assured that Edmundo González Urrutia will be recognized as President-Elect of Venezuela and on January 10, 2025, he will assume office as President of the Republic and Commander-in-Chief of the National Armed Forces.

Good morals, not force, are the pillars of the laws; and the exercise of justice is the exercise of freedom.Simon Bolivar.

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2024-08-22 19:27:12



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