Venezuelan opposition claims that Nicolás Maduro has a plan to ‘kidnap’ María Corina Machado

The streets of Venezuela were filled this Monday with thousands of citizens who are calling for a review of the voting records from this past Sunday, July 28, which resulted in a questionable victory for President Nicolás Maduro.

Since the election results were announced, Maria Corina Machado, the leader of the opposition, has claimed that fraud occurred in the country and that the documents she possesses declare Edmundo Gonzalez as the winner.

This Monday, Machado reiterated that after obtaining 73 percent of the voting records, Edmundo González received 6,275,182 votes, while the current president Nicolás Maduro garnered only 2,759,256 votes in the election. “And there are still some more to count,” she stated.

The outcry against the irregularities in the elections in Venezuela has already led to diplomatic breaks, and at least nine Latin American countries have called for an urgent meeting at the OAS.

The Allegation of an Attempted Kidnapping of Corina Machado

On his X account, Antonio Ledezma, the former mayor of Caracas and a political exile, asserted that “Maduro is ordering the kidnapping of Maria Corina Machado.”

“We are receiving reports from Venezuela that police officers will attempt to arrest her, as well as other leaders of the campaign team. This is a dictatorship that acts without hesitation when it comes to violating human rights,” denounced the exile in Madrid, Spain.

In his message, Ledezma also stated that “citizens are protesting based on their legitimate right to demand recognition of the victory achieved by President-elect Edmundo González and Maria Corina.”

The Venezuelan Prosecutor’s Office has initiated an investigation against María Corina Machado for allegedly participating in hacking the electoral system to “alter” the results of the disputed elections held last Sunday.

“The main suspect in this attack is the individual Lester Toledo (…) alongside him, the fugitive from Venezuelan justice Leopoldo Lopez and Maria Corina Machado are also implicated,” Prosecutor Tarek William Saab informed reporters following the announcement of the investigation’s launch.


Protests Erupt in Venezuela Over Controversial Election Results

The streets of Venezuela were filled this Monday with thousands of citizens who are clamoring for a review of the voting records from the election held on July 28. The results have raised serious questions about the legitimacy of President Nicolás Maduro, who many believe is not the rightful victor.

Election Results Under Fire

Since the election results were announced, Maria Corina Machado, the leader of the opposition, has come forward with allegations of electoral fraud. She claims that the official minutes she possesses declare one Edmundo Gonzalez as the legitimate winner. According to Machado, after analyzing 73 percent of the voting records, Gonzalez secured a staggering 6,275,182 votes, while Maduro only received 2,759,256 votes. “And there are still a few more to validate,” Machado added, emphasizing the importance of transparency in the electoral process.

International Responses to the Election Irregularities

The allegations of electoral fraud have sparked significant international concern, leading to diplomatic ruptures between Venezuela and several Latin American nations. At least nine countries have called for an urgent meeting at the Organization of American States (OAS) to address these concerning developments.

The Call for Justice and Recognition

Protesters are voicing their demands for recognition of the victory purportedly obtained by Edmundo Gonzalez, aligning with Machado’s claims of fraud. The resilience of these citizens reflects their determination to challenge what they believe is an administration that has disregarded the democratic process.

Allegations of Kidnapping in the Opposition

In a shocking development, Antonio Ledezma, former mayor of Caracas and current political exile, has accused the Maduro government of plotting to kidnap Maria Corina Machado. Ledezma stated, “We are receiving information that police officers will attempt to arrest her, as well as other leaders involved in the campaign command. This is a dictatorship that acts without hesitation when it comes to violating human rights.”

Ledezma’s statement has added fuel to the fire of dissent, as citizens take to the streets to protest against what they perceive as governmental overreach and human rights violations.

Crackdown on Opposition Leaders

In a bid to silence dissent, the Venezuelan Prosecutor’s Office has launched an investigation against Machado for alleged involvement in a hacking scheme that purportedly aimed to manipulate the electoral results of the disputed elections. Prosecutor Tarek William Saab claims that the main suspect, Lester Toledo, alongside well-known fugitive Leopoldo Lopez and Machado, were involved in this attack on the electoral integrity.

Understanding the Impacts of Election Fraud Allegations

The ongoing allegations of fraud have far-reaching implications for Venezuela’s political landscape. Below are some potential consequences:

  • Political Instability: Continued protests and calls for investigations may lead to further instability within the government, creating a more polarized society.
  • Impact on Foreign Relations: As more countries become involved, Venezuela’s diplomatic relations could deteriorate even further, influencing trade agreements and foreign aid.
  • Human Rights Violations: Allegations of kidnappings and governmental repression against opposition figures can lead to increased scrutiny from human rights organizations globally.

Potential Solutions and Recommendations

In light of the current situation, several steps can be taken to address the grievances of the Venezuelan people:

  • Independent Investigations: Initiating independent investigations to validate the election results and address allegations of fraud could restore some trust in the electoral process.
  • International Mediation: Engaging international bodies to mediate discussions between the government and opposition can create a pathway to resolution and possibly calm the unrest.
  • Strengthening Democratic Institutions: Focus on rebuilding and strengthening democratic institutions in Venezuela to ensure fair practices in future elections.

A Closer Look at Upcoming Actions

As citizens in Venezuela persist in their calls for justice and fair treatment, it is crucial to keep an eye on the following upcoming actions:

Date Event Description
August 5, 2023 OAS Meeting Latin American countries will meet to discuss the claims of electoral fraud and its implications.
August 10, 2023 Public Protest Nationwide protests are expected, with citizens demanding justice for Edmundo Gonzalez.
August 15, 2023 International Human Rights Watch Conference Discussion on potential human rights violations and actions to be taken globally.


The situation in Venezuela continues to unfold, with the allegations of fraud and the subsequent protests reflecting a critical moment in the country’s political history. As citizens rally for their voices to be heard, the international community watches closely, hoping for a resolution that will ensure democracy and human rights for all Venezuelans.



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