Venezuelan migration expected to increase by the end of 2024

  • The NGO Equilibrium Cende assured that the factors that drive people to migrate have been reinforced, including political issues.

The general coordinator of the non-governmental organization (NGO) Equilibrium Cende, Verónica Medina, said that an increase in Venezuelan migration is expected in November and December 2024.

The professor at the Institute of Advanced Studies in Administration (IESA) also clarified that it is normal for migration intentions to materialize in the last months of the year because, in her opinion, people have greater purchasing power or resources.

In an interview for Union Radio, Medina explained that migration intentions are linked to several factors, in addition to economic and political reasons.

“The factors that drive Venezuelans to migrate have been reinforced. In addition to those of an economic nature, there are also political factors. In our timeline on migration intention and determinants, the economic issue was positioned far above the political and public services issue, but the reality is that it is a cocktail of factors,” he said.

He recalled that various polls before the July 28 elections revealed that 52% of Venezuelans intended to leave the country.

Decrease in migrant crossings through the Darien jungle

The general coordinator of Equilibrium Cende mentioned the decrease in migrants in the Darien jungle between July and August, as a consequence of the closure of some crossings by order of the government of Panama, as well as in the United States.

However, he clarified that this situation does not dispel the intention of, in this case, Venezuelans to migrate.

EFE/ Mauricio Dueñas Castaneda ARCHIVE

“It’s not necessarily that the intention to leave has diminished,” he stressed.

According to figures from Panamanian authorities published on September 17, crossings through Darién have decreased by 31% so far in 2024, compared to the figures reported in 2023.

Profile of today’s migrants

Verónica Medina referred to the profile of Venezuelan migrants who are leaving the country today. She said that the vast majority are under 40 years of age and have higher education.

“The profile of those who migrate to Spain is very different from those who migrate to Latin America and the Caribbean. Migrants who decide to go to the European country usually have family ties, dual nationality or a better economic situation,” he explained.

He cited information from the Interagency Coordination Platform for Refugees and Migrants (R4V) which states that 60% of Venezuelan migrants in Latin America are “people in need,” meaning they suffer from some type of essential vulnerability such as health or education.

Warnings of another wave of migration after the election results

Following the announcement of the results of the presidential elections on July 28, several activists, organizations and even figures from the international community have warned of a possible “new wave” of Venezuelan migration to countries in the region, the United States and Europe.

In response, countries such as Chile have implemented measures to strengthen their borders and control the entry of foreigners without documents.

They warn that the decree requiring a visa and a valid passport for Venezuelan migrants could increase irregular transit in Peru
Photo: Action Peru

On the other hand, in August an increase in Venezuelan migration was reported due to the supply of Santa Elena de Uairén and Pacaraima in Brazil.

According to Yesica Morais, a migrant rights activist and community communicator in the Brazilian state of Roraima, more than 500 to 600 people were counted crossing into Brazil every day by the end of August.

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#Venezuelan #migration #expected #increase
2024-09-23 21:45:02



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