Venezuelan Government Seeks Arrest of Opposition Leader Edmundo González

Venezuelan Government Seeks Arrest of Opposition Leader Edmundo González

CARACAS (AP/El Nacional).— A Venezuelan judge issued a arrest warrant against the former presidential candidate Opponent Edmundo Gonzalezat the request of the Prosecutor’s Office General, for a criminal investigation opened following the disputed presidential elections held just over a month ago, in which he was called to testify.

Aware, Maria Corina Machado, opposition leader, He said that the government of Nicolás Maduro “has already lost all sense of reality,” according to Venezuela’s “El Nacional.”

They have lost all sense of reality. “By threatening the President-elect, they only succeed in uniting us further and increasing the support of Venezuelans and the world for Edmundo González,” wrote María Corina on her X account, and asked Venezuelans for “serenity, courage and firmness,” the Venezuelan newspaper reported.

Maduro also reacted in your X account.

“No one is above the law (…) The Prosecutor’s Office summoned him three times and he did not go, since he says he does not recognize the Public Ministry. In what country does that happen? (…) González Urrutia has the nerve to say that he does not recognize the laws,” wrote the Venezuelan president.

Edmundo González quoted with an intention

Edmundo González was summoned by the prosecution up to three times, but with the clear intention of arresting him when he showed up, analysts said.

The last time he was there was last Friday, to testify in an investigation into the publication of the electoral records that, according to the opposition coalition, showed that he obtained more votes than Maduro in the elections of July 28.

The Venezuelan president, who was seeking re-election for a third term, was declared the winner by the electoral authority without the minutes being published voting officials.

Los The announced results were widely questioned by the opposition and the international community due to a lack of transparency and the impossibility of verifying the votes.

Venezuelan prosecutors order arrest of opposition leader Edmundo González

The Attorney General’s Office yesterday requested an arrest warrant against González, through a letter addressed to a judge who handles cases related to terrorism.

According to the prosecutor’s request, the opponent is wanted for the alleged commission of the crimes of “usurpation of functions, forging a public document, instigating disobedience of laws, computer crimes, criminal association and conspiracy.”

González has not had any public appearances in recent weeks and, together with María Corina Machado, has denounced being persecuted by the authorities.

The Venezuelan prosecution had already warned last week, in the third summons addressed to González, that it would request an arrest warrant against the former opposition candidate, alluding to the fact that there was a “risk of flight” and “risk of obstruction” of justice.

The Attorney General’s Office published on Instagram the arrest warrant sent by the court in which the prosecutor of the case, identified as Luis Ernesto Dueñez, asks the judge to immediately place Edmundo González at the disposal of the Public Ministry “once the arrest is made.”

  • Attorney General Tarek William Saab, a close associate of Nicolás Maduro and former pro-government legislator, accuses Edmundo González Urrutia of usurping the powers of the electoral body and publishing “allegedly forged or falsified documents.”
  • The investigation focused on the minutes published on the website where the Unitary Platform, the main opposition coalition, presented ballots issued by the voting machines, which would show that the retired diplomat beat Maduro by a margin of more than 2 to 1.

#Venezuelan #prosecutors #order #arrest #opposition #leader #Edmundo #González
2024-09-13 01:22:41

Here ‍are some People Also Ask​ (PAA)‌ related ⁤questions for the title: **Venezuelan Opposition ‌Leader Edmundo González Faces Arrest Warrant Amid Post-Election Tensions**:

Venezuelan Opposition Leader ‍Edmundo González Faces Arrest‍ Warrant Amid⁤ Post-Election ‍Tensions

In a move ⁣widely condemned‌ by the international⁢ community, ⁤a Venezuelan judge has issued an arrest ⁣warrant against opposition ⁣leader Edmundo González, accused of various crimes including ‍”usurpation of functions, forging a public document, instigating disobedience of laws, ‌computer crimes, criminal association, ⁣and conspiracy” [[1]]. The warrant was issued at the request ⁤of the Prosecutor’s Office, following a disputed presidential election in which González was a candidate.

González, who had been summoned by the prosecution three times, refused to⁤ appear in court, citing a lack of recognition of the ‌Public Ministry ⁣ [[2]]. In⁤ response, the Attorney General’s Office requested the arrest warrant, claiming ⁤that there was a “risk of flight” and “risk of obstruction” of ⁢justice.

The opposition leader has been accused⁢ of usurping the powers of ​the President, with‍ Attorney General Tarek William Saab, a close associate of‍ Nicolás Maduro, alleging that González has the nerve to say⁣ that he does not recognize the laws [[3]]. However, González’s supporters, including opposition leader María Corina ⁣Machado, have denounced the arrest warrant as‌ an ⁣attempt⁢ to silence the opposition and consolidate power.

Machado took to social media to ​criticize the government’s actions, stating that​ they ⁤have “lost⁤ all sense of reality” and that ⁣the arrest warrant will only succeed⁣ in uniting the opposition and increasing international support for González​ [[2]]. The United ‍States has ​also joined‍ the ⁤chorus of condemnation, with the State Department ​issuing a statement strongly condemning​ the “unjustified arrest warrant” [[3]].

The Organization of American States (OAS) has⁢ also‌ weighed in, with the General Secretariat condemning the arrest⁢ warrant and calling⁤ for the protection of democratic institutions and the ​rule of law in Venezuela [[1]]. ‍Meanwhile, González has flown to ⁤Spain to escape the arrest warrant, ‌sparking ‌a diplomatic row between Venezuela and Spain [[2]].

The arrest warrant is the‌ latest development ‍in a ​tense post-election period, with ‌the opposition claiming that the election results ⁢were rigged in‍ favor of Maduro. The election, held on July 28, was marred by allegations ⁤of fraud and a lack of transparency, with the electoral⁤ authority declaring ⁣Maduro the winner ⁤without publishing the minutes [[2]].

The international community has widely ‍questioned the ⁣legitimacy of the election results, with many countries calling for⁤ a recount or new elections.⁢ The‌ situation has sparked a crisis in Venezuela, with the opposition accusing the government of attempting ‍to consolidate power and crush dissent.

In the midst of this crisis, the arrest warrant against Edmundo González has ​sparked widespread condemnation and raised ‌concerns about the⁢ state of democracy in Venezuela.‍ As the situation continues to ⁣unfold, it remains to be seen how the international community ⁤will respond to‍ the escalating⁢ tensions in Venezuela.


[1] OAS General Secretariat Condemns⁤ Arrest Warrant for ​Edmundo González. (2024, September 3).⁣ Retrieved from <>

[2] Venezuela opposition ⁣leader González flies to Spain after arrest warrant. (2024, September 4). Retrieved from

[3] Condemning the ‌Arrest Warrant for Edmundo González. (

Here is a related question for the title: **Venezuelan Opposition Leader Edmundo González Faces Arrest Warrant Amid Post-Election Tensions**:

Venezuelan Opposition Leader Edmundo González Faces Arrest Warrant Amid Post-Election Tensions

The Venezuelan political landscape has been thrown into turmoil after the country’s Attorney General’s Office issued an arrest warrant for opposition leader Edmundo González, citing allegations of usurpation of functions, forging public documents, and inciting disobedience of laws [[3]]. The move has sparked widespread condemnation from the opposition and the international community, with many viewing it as a desperate attempt by the government of President Nicolás Maduro to silence his political opponents.

González, who was summoned by the prosecution three times to testify in an investigation into the publication of electoral records, has been accused of not recognizing the Public Ministry and refusing to comply with the law [[2]]. However, analysts believe that the prosecution’s intention was to arrest him when he showed up to testify [[1]].

The arrest warrant has been met with outrage from the opposition, with prominent leader María Corina Machado stating that the government has “lost all sense of reality” and that the move will only serve to unite the opposition further [[1]]. Maduro, on the other hand, has defended the move, claiming that González has the nerve to say he does not recognize the laws [[2]].

The electoral records in question allegedly show that González obtained more votes than Maduro in the July 28 elections, which has sparked allegations of electoral fraud [[1]]. The Venezuelan president was declared the winner by the electoral authority without publishing the voting minutes, leading to widespread questioning of the results by the opposition and the international community [[1]].

In response to the arrest warrant, González has fled Venezuela and has reportedly arrived in Spain, where he is seeking asylum [[2]]. The move has sparked concerns about the political stability of Venezuela and the fate of its opposition leaders.


Venezuelan prosecutors order arrest of opposition leader Edmundo González

Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) related questions for the title: Venezuelan Opposition Leader Edmundo González Faces Arrest Warrant Amid Post-Election Tensions


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