Venezuelan Foreign Minister Receives Companions from Honduras and Brazil for Sunday’s Presidential Elections

On the evening of Friday, July 26, 2024, the former president of Honduras and Brazil’s international affairs advisor arrived in Venezuela and will be present at the presidential elections this Sunday, July 28.

Through his official account on the social network “X”, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yvan Gil detailed the arrival of both people and indicated that their presence will help the electoral process.


“During a cordial meeting, we discussed the importance of these elections and the peaceful atmosphere in Venezuela, the impeccable organization of the process by our Electoral Authority, one of the most transparent and secure in the world,” he continued.

“We welcomed former Honduran President Manuel Zelaya, who is coming to accompany this electoral process that will confirm once again that Venezuela has one of the most advanced electoral systems in the world,” he concluded.

Witnesses in the presidential elections of #28Jul

Los electoral witnesses They are those citizens who fulfill a function of observers and representatives of the different political parties, at each of the voting tables.

They are responsible for representing their organization in the oversight of the events carried out, in order to maintain the transparency of the elections and ensure that the existing regulations in the electoral process are complied with.

Its duties?

  • They must oversee the smooth running of the entire electoral process, from the installation of the tables to the totalisation of the counts.
  • It must also ensure that the minutes and votes are kept safe by the Plan República.
  • They report any irregularities that may have occurred during the process and record them in the electoral minutes, signed and sealed by all parties.
  • Be present at the drawing of the polling stations that will be chosen for citizen verification.
  • To be a direct participant in the citizen verification as a witness, to ensure that those involved sign the four minutes that are drawn up and to verify that they are sealed with the corresponding stamp.
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#Venezuelan #Foreign #Minister #Receives #Companions #Honduras #Brazil #Sundays #Presidential #Elections
2024-07-28 03:02:54



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