Venezuelan artists voted in the presidential elections

Venezuelan artists voted in the presidential elections
  • Host Maite Delgado and writer Boris Izaguirre traveled from abroad to go to the polls in Caracas | Photo: composition El Diario

Dozens of Venezuelan artists and entertainment personalities exercised their right to vote on Sunday, July 28, in Venezuela’s presidential elections.

Venezuelan singers, entertainers and actors, from inside and outside the country, shared part of their experience during the voting process, in addition to encouraging people to go to the polls.

Actor Luis Gerónimo Abreu said that he went to the polling station accompanied by his son, because his wife, actress Cladia La Gatta, is the president of the table at his polling station.

“I am accompanied by one of the reasons why we should go and vote today (his son),” said Abreu.

In addition, motivational speaker Maickel Melamed posted on his Instagram stories the moments before the election and shared with his followers a message dedicated to those who died during the anti-government protests that occurred in Venezuela in previous years.

“I think today is worth thanking all those who have given their lives and efforts for our country,” was part of Melamed’s message.

Venezuelan actress Amanda Gutiérrez posted a video on her Instagram account of the line of voters waiting their turn to enter the voting center.

“Venezuela is fully committed to voting, everything was extremely well organized. Go vote,” said Gutiérrez.

Amanda Gutiérrez shared the voting line with Venezuelan cheerleaders Rebeca Moreno and Camila Canabal, who traveled from Florida, United States, to Caracas to participate in the presidential election.

Canabal went to the polling station with her youngest daughter, Guillermina Blavia, and thanked the volunteers for their work during the process.

“I want to share with you what it feels like in my heart to have fulfilled my duty to my country. The peace, the joy, the gratitude and the satisfaction of having voted for my country, for my Venezuela that has given me so much,” said the host.

Camila Canabal explained that she woke up before 5:00 am to be one of the first voters at her center.

Cheerleaders Valentina Quintero and Shirley Varnagy also participated in the voting. Varnagy posted a photo of her ink-stained thumb as proof of her attendance.

Another celebrity who travelled from abroad to vote in the presidential elections was the presenter and writer Boris Izaguirre. The novelist went to the polling station accompanied by his father, the essayist and film critic Rodolfo Izaguirre.

“We voted for Rodolfo Izaguirre and his son (Boris Izaguirre), we just did it. Very grateful to the people who greeted us with so much affection and love at the polling station and on the street,” reads the post he made on his social networks.

For her part, host Maite Delgado fulfilled her vow accompanied by her husband, businessman and tennis player Alfonso González.

“I already voted and now I am going to enjoy my town El Hatillo,” said Maite Delgado.

One of the Venezuelan artists who exercised her right to vote from abroad was actress Catherine Fulop, who spoke from Buenos Aires, Argentina, about her experience during the elections.

“Excited as always, trying to be by the side of my people and hoping that there really is a change and that Venezuelans can return to the beautiful Venezuela that we always had. We are hopeful, this time it is different,” Fulop told the Argentine media.

Another Venezuelan celebrity who joined the vote abroad was film director Diego Vicentini, creator of the film Simón, who went to the polls wearing a white shirt and a message dedicated to the Venezuelan diaspora and those who died in the protests (in the context of the film’s theme).

“For Simón, for Chucho, for everyone,” read on Vicentini’s T-shirt. Simón and Chucho are characters from the film who protested and who were arrested and tortured.

Venezuelan artists voted in Venezuela's presidential elections
Photo: Diego Vicentini

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2024-07-29 00:16:17



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