Venezuela Sows Seeds for Change: Maduro’s Vision for a Brighter Generation

The president Nicolas Maduro reviewed this Wednesday the progress made to date in the Great Mission of Science, Technology and Innovation, highlighting the Scientific Seedbeds project.

To date, this initiative has benefited a total of 213,887 children and young people, with a goal established by the president of reaching 450,000. In addition, the Scientific Hotbed has 171 Infocenter cores and three science rooms.

Scientific Seedbeds advance

The president highlighted that, in the field of robotics, 94,708 children and young people are being served through 36 centers located in schools and high schools in Caracas and Miranda, in addition to 17 mega centers.

“It is one of the most extraordinary initiatives of the great mission called ‘Humberto Fernández Morán’, in honor of the Venezuelan scientist. In addition, he stressed that it must become a symbol so that our children become passionate about science.”, indicated the president.

President Maduro highlighted the lawsuit against Tik Tok in 14 US states, pointing out that there is strong evidence that demonstrates the creation of technological mechanisms that generate addiction and seriously affect the mental health of children, stating that “this did not happen in Venezuela, but in the United States.”

Along the same lines, the president stated that it is essential to take advantage of these technological platforms to highlight advances such as the Semillero, without falling into addiction to social networks.

Scientific Seedbeds.

With a march the ruling party commemorates the Day of Indigenous Resistance this Saturday

#Maduro #affirmed #thousand #children #young #people #cared #Scientific #Seedbeds



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