Venezuela shows its military power on the border with Colombia

as if the war between Ukraine and Russia would have moved to Latin America, Venezuelan state forces (Russian allies in this part of the world), have been with a massive deployment of troops on the Colombian-Venezuelan bordermore precisely in the state of Apure, on the border with the Colombian departments of Arauca, Vichada and Norte de Santander.

The patrols are not only on land, since the deployment of armed men occurs in the Arauca, Capanaparo, Cunaviche and Meta rivers.

As reported by the Venezuelan military commanders themselves, it is regarding a deployed force with 10,000 men accompanied by armored tanks and troop transport trucks, in addition to planes that cross the Venezuelan skies to counteract any threat that tries to enter Venezuelan territory.

In the images, the troops are seen camping on the plains of Apure, ready to receive the food ration and preparing to take tours on foot along that porous line. border between Colombia and Venezuela which has an extension of 2,219 kilometers.

Domingo Hernández Lárez, operational strategic commander of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces, FANB, has been reporting through his social networks how the military deployment is progressing with which, according to the military high command, they intend to expel from the territory of Apureño the dissidents of the 10th front of the Farc, the same ones that they called TANCOL (Armed Terrorists Colombian Drug Traffickers).

“This is where the FANB goes with its B1 Militia, liberating our territory from Colombian invading terrorists who subjugate peoples with their ill-gotten money and corrupt wills with terror and death,” said General Hernández.

Coincided with meeting between the United States and Venezuela

The strong deployment of Venezuelan troops was synchronized with the meeting that a The US delegation held this Monday with the president of Venezuela, Nicholas Madurothe same that was confirmed by both countries through communications.

“The purpose of the trip that the administration officials made was to discuss a variety of issues that certainly include energy, energy security,” Jen Psaki, the government spokeswoman for the United States, told a news conference. Joe Biden.

In turn, Maduro indicated that it was a respectful, cordial and diplomatic meeting that took place in the presidential office.

“It seemed very important to me to be able, face to face, to discuss topics of maximum interest to Venezuela (…) I ratify, as I told the delegation, all our will from diplomacy, from respect, and from the greatest hope in the world better, to be able to advance in an agenda that allows the well-being and peace of the peoples of our hemisphere, of our region”, concluded Maduro.

However, voices of international experts and analysts point out that the intentions of United States approaching Venezuela apart from buying the oil that Russia would deny him for meddling in the war between Russia and Ukraine (which includes the sanctions imposed on the Russians), seek to separate Putin’s ally in America.

Already from the military wing, the expert in armed conflict, Juan Carlos Ortega, points out that this demonstration of power is to try to show America power. “That was like wanting to say to the Biden government: you can come to buy oil from us but not to impose conditions on us. We have to respond,” said the expert.

EL COLOMBIANO consulted with Colombian military intelligence sources and they indicated that are aware of the military deployment, but it is not “as exaggerated as they want to show it. In addition, they are in the border area, but not in the first line that puts Colombian citizens at risk.” They asserted that it is not as big as the Venezuelans want to show it.



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