Venezuela Sees Disturbing Surge in Femicides: 94 Lives Lost in Just Six Months, Reports NGO Utopix

Caracas, Sep 5 (EFE).- A total of 94 women were murdered in Venezuela in the first half of the year as a result of femicide violence, according to the non-governmental organization Utopix, which documents cases known through the media.

In its report, the NGO explained that the 94 femicides yield an average of a murdered woman -usually by people who were part of their closest circles- every 35 hours, She therefore considers it “imperative to make this reality visible” and “give a voice to these murdered women, girls and adolescents.”

The figure represents a slight decline compared to the same period in 2023, when 99 fatal victims of gender violence were recorded in the country, according to Utopix, which considers its figures an underreporting of the actual total number of cases that – it estimates – occur in the country.

We are “demanding that the Venezuelan State and society in general take urgent action against the increase in violence and denouncing the impunity that often protects these aggressors,” the feminist organization said.

In his opinion, it is important to “warn about the urgency of implementing a concrete proposal to address this problem,” with ideas such as a “feminist plan for the prevention, care and mitigation of gender violence against women, girls and adolescents.”

Utopix reported that in June alone, 16 femicides were recorded, as well as 12 attempted homicides, and nine committed abroad, including Venezuelan women in Colombia, Peru, Ecuador and Portugal.

At the end of 2023, the government of Nicolás Maduro announced that in 2024 it would strengthen a social program focused, among other points, on the elimination of violence against women, a plan whose results are unknown.


#Venezuela #closed #year #femicides #NGO #Utopix
2024-09-07 03:09:11

Here are some ‍People Also Ask (PAA) ​related questions for the title: **The Alarming Reality of Femicide ‍in Venezuela: A ​Call ‌to Action**:

The Alarming Reality of Femicide ⁣in Venezuela: A Call to Action

In the first half of 2024, Venezuela witnessed a staggering​ 94 ​femicides, ⁣resulting in the loss of ⁢a woman’s life⁤ every 35 hours, as reported‍ by the non-governmental organization ‌Utopix [[3]]. This disturbing trend highlights⁤ the urgent need ⁣for the Venezuelan State and society to take concrete action against the endemic problem of gender-based violence.

The figures released ⁤by Utopix represent a slight decline compared to‌ the same period in ⁣2023, when 99 fatal victims of gender violence were recorded in the country [[3]].⁤ However, this​ decline is far from reassuring, as Utopix estimates that these figures are‌ likely an underreporting of the ⁤actual total number of ⁢cases that occur in ‍the ‍country.

The alarming rate of femicides in Venezuela is a symptom of a broader problem of gender-based violence that permeates the ‌country’s⁣ society. According‌ to UNICEF, many women and girls suffer daily ‌from acts of ‌violence that leave no visible scars, indicating that the issue runs far ‍deeper than the reported cases of femicides ⁢ [[1]]. Furthermore, the⁤ International​ Rescue Committee warns that Venezuelan women are at high risk of experiencing ‌psychological and ​physical violence, both at home and abroad [[2]].

The⁢ Utopix report highlights the urgent need for a concrete proposal to address the problem of gender-based violence⁣ in Venezuela. The organization is demanding that the‌ Venezuelan State and society⁤ take immediate action to prevent, care for, and mitigate gender violence against women, ‌girls, and adolescents.⁢ This includes implementing a feminist plan that prioritizes the safety and well-being⁤ of⁣ women and girls.

The statistics are stark, and the ‌reality is grim. ‍However, it is not⁤ too late to take action. By shedding light on the ⁢devastating effects of gender-based violence and femicides in‌ Venezuela, we can begin⁤ to build a society that values the lives and dignity‌ of all women and girls.

The onus is on the Venezuelan government and society⁣ to take concrete steps to address ​this crisis. This includes:

  1. Implementing policies and programs that prioritize the prevention, care, and mitigation of gender-based ‍violence.
  2. Ensuring that perpetrators of gender-based violence are ‍held accountable ⁣for ​their actions.
  3. Providing support and resources to survivors of gender-based violence.
  4. Promoting a culture ⁣of respect and equality ‌for all women ‌and girls.

Only by working ⁣together can we create a Venezuela where women and girls can live free from violence and fear. The time for⁢ action is now.





**Related Questions for “The Alarming Reality of Femicide in Venezuela: A Call to Action”**

The Alarming Reality of Femicide in Venezuela: A Call to Action

In the first half of 2024, Venezuela witnessed a staggering 94 femicides, resulting in the loss of a woman’s life every 35 hours, as reported by the non-governmental organization Utopix [[3]]. This disturbing trend highlights the urgent need for the Venezuelan State and society to take concrete action against the endemic problem of gender-based violence.

The figures released by Utopix represent a slight decline compared to the same period in 2023, when 99 fatal victims of gender violence were recorded in the country [[3]]. However, this decline is far from reassuring, as Utopix estimates that these figures are likely an underreporting of the actual total number of cases that occur in the country.

The alarming rate of femicides in Venezuela is a symptom of a broader problem of gender-based violence that permeates the country’s society. According to UNICEF, many women and girls suffer daily from acts of violence that leave no visible scars, indicating that the issue runs far deeper than the reported cases of femicides [[1]]. Furthermore, the International Rescue Committee warns that Venezuelan women are at high risk of experiencing psychological and physical violence, both at home and abroad [[2]].

The Utopix report highlights the urgent need for a concrete proposal to address the problem of gender-based violence in Venezuela. The organization is demanding that the Venezuelan State and society take immediate action to prevent, care for, and mitigate gender violence against women, girls, and adolescents. This includes implementing a feminist plan that prioritizes the safety and well-being of women and girls.

The statistics are stark, and the reality is grim. However, it is not too late to take action. By shedding light on the devastating effects of gender-based violence and fem



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