Venezuela News Summary Sunday August 18

  • At least 12 people died after an explosion in Petare; Spain assumed the interests of the Dominican Republic in Venezuelan territory; UN electoral experts published their report on the elections in Venezuela; the National Assembly approved the Law to Regulate NGOs and confirmed the death of cyclist Daniela Larreal | Photo: EFE

This week, an explosion that caused a three-story house in Petare to collapse and lead to the death of 12 people made the news, as did the statement of the Fact-Finding Mission on repression in Venezuela.

The Spanish government announced that it would take charge of the Dominican Republic’s interests in Venezuela after the expulsion of its diplomats. Likewise, the panel of electoral experts sent by the United Nations (UN) published its report on the elections in Venezuela. In addition, the president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, suggested two solutions to the conflict generated by the electoral results in the country.

Williams Dávila’s family reported that the leader was admitted to a hospital in serious condition, while the National Assembly approved the law to regulate non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the country. The death of Venezuelan cyclist Daniela Larreal was also confirmed.

Below are the highlights of the week:

Citizens in Caracas gathered on Francisco de Miranda Avenue, in front of the Líder shopping center (Caracas) on Saturday, August 17, to protest against the results issued by the National Electoral Council (CNE) and to ratify the victory of Edmundo González.


The leader of the opposition arrived at the activity Maria Corina Machado, who assured that Venezuelans have set new milestones in the electoral process of July 28.

“We have established a new parameter for monitoring and defending the vote,” he said during his speech at the Great Global Protest, an activity that took place in Venezuela and various countries around the world.

The opposition leader also highlighted the work carried out by witnesses to obtain the records of the presidential elections.

“They thought that by persecuting our witnesses we were not going to get our records, but within 24 hours we had them,” he said.

Inside people participated in the activity. In Maracay (Aragua) citizens were repressed by GNB officialsAdditionally, they reported that several people who were at the rally were arrested.

Photo: Video Capture | @CronicaUno Twitter

Los Venezuelan migrants from around the world They gathered in different cities to ratify the victory of Edmundo González in the presidential elections of July 28.

Venezuelans protested early in New Zealand, Australia, India, Malaysia, Japan, Belgium, Korea, among other countries. In Latin America, the activity also took place in countries such as Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Mexico, and the United States.

The demonstrators carried signs demanding a “free Venezuela” and freedom for all political prisoners. They also carried flags and dresses in the colors of the national flag, with printed ballots that, according to them, prove that González was the winner of the elections. Many Venezuelans maintain “a living hope” that there will be freedom in their country, to which they long to return soon.

At least 12 people died and others were injured when a three-story building collapsed on the morning of Monday, August 12, in the La Planada sector of the Unión de Petare neighborhood in the Sucre municipality, in the state of Miranda.

Authorities believe the incident was caused by the explosion of a domestic gas cylinder.

Photo: EFE/ Henry Chirinos

According to reports, the incident occurred at approximately 5:30 a.m. Crime reporter Román Camacho reported that two newborn babies and a teenager were among the victims of the incident.

Authorities have rescued more than 10 people, but believe another nine are still trapped under the rubble. The building had six apartments inside and is estimated to have been inhabited by 37 people, including nine children and teenagers.

The United Nations (UN) Fact-Finding Mission on Venezuela published a statement on Monday, August 12, to demand that the government of Nicolás Maduro “immediately stop the growing repression that is shaking the country” following the presidential elections July 28th.

The organization described how “the protests in the streets and on social media in the weeks following the elections gave way to fierce repression by the state machinery.”

Photo: EFE/ Henry Chirinos

In the text, the Mission noted that these actions ordered “from its highest authorities” have “created a climate of widespread fear.”

The panel of experts also warned that it has a record of 23 deaths in the context of post-election protests and warned that the vast majority of the victims suffered “gunshot wounds, which took place between July 28 and August 8.”

Spanish Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares announced on August 13 that his country has taken over the Dominican Republic’s international interests in Venezuela following Nicolás Maduro’s decision to expel Dominican diplomats from the country.

“Spain will always be available to all the countries and all the sister peoples of Latin America,” said the minister during an appearance in the Senate.

The Spanish Foreign Minister also explained that he has been in contact with both Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yván Gil and opposition leaders María Corina Machado and Edmundo González Urrutia.

The United Nations Secretary-General on Tuesday, August 13, published the preliminary report of the UN panel of electoral experts, which concluded that the presidential elections of July 28 did not “meet the basic standards of transparency and integrity” and that “they are essential for the holding of credible elections.”

The document explains that the development of the elections, as well as the publication of results, “did not follow the legal provisions and did not comply with all the stipulated deadlines.”

Photo: EFE

“In the panel’s experience, the announcement of an election result without the publication of its details or the disclosure of tabulated results to the candidates is unprecedented in contemporary democratic elections. This had a negative impact on the confidence in the result announced by the National Electoral Council among a large part of the Venezuelan electorate,” the report reads.

The mission alleged that the announcements of the results of the July 28 presidential elections were offered in “oral communications without infographic support” and stated that the CNE “did not publish, and has not yet published, any results (or results broken down by voting table) to support its oral announcements, as contemplated in the electoral legal framework.”

William Dávila Valeri, son of opposition leader Williams Dávila, reported on August 14 that his father was admitted to a hospital in serious condition, after being held incommunicado for several days following his arrest by Venezuelan government security forces.

Dávila was arrested on August 8 after attending a vigil organized by the opposition in Los Palos Grandes, Caracas.

Photo: courtesy

“I demand immediate answers and hold the government responsible for this violation of human rights. It is not possible that we continue living under a regime that allows such atrocities,” Dávila Valeri posted about her father’s condition on her Facebook account. red social X.

The son of the former governor of the state of Mérida expressed his dismay over the situation of his father, who was detained, according to his words, “for defending democratic values.”

On Thursday, August 15, the National Assembly approved the Law on Supervision, Regularization, Action and Financing of NGOs and Social Organizations, which provides for the judicial dissolution of these groups that violate the provisions established in the regulations.

The legislation was approved in the second reading and by unanimous decision of the deputies of the Legislative Branch, with a pro-government majority.

Photo: National Assembly

Diosdado Cabello, a deputy for the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), asked that NGOs be prohibited from receiving contributions to finance “terrorism” because, he said, there are organizations that receive funds and then sponsor “guarimbas.”

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva suggested two possible solutions to the post-election crisis in Venezuela on Thursday, August 15: the formation of a coalition government or the holding of new elections.

Asked by a journalist from Radio T FM whether he recognized Nicolás Maduro’s victory, the Brazilian president replied: “Not yet.”

Photo: EFE/Andre Borges

“They have to present the data, something reliable, the National Electoral Council (CNE) could do it, but Maduro has gone to the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) and I cannot judge the justice of another country,” Lula added during the interview for the radio station.

Lula da Silva insisted on the need for Venezuelan authorities to present the electoral records duly verified in an impartial manner.

The Venezuelan Olympic Committee (COV) confirmed the death of Venezuelan cyclist Daniela Larreal on the morning of Friday, August 16.

Photo: Orinoco Mail

The news was also reported by the Venezuelan Cycling Federation through its social networks.

“The board of directors of the Venezuelan Cycling Federation (Feveciclismo) joins in the mourning that Venezuelan cycling is experiencing due to the physical loss of Daniela Larreal. Our most sincere condolences to her family and friends,” said Eliezer Rojas, president of Feveciclismo.

Larreal, originally from Maracaibo, Zulia state, obtained three diplomas in five participations in the Olympic Games (1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2012). In addition, she won gold medals in the Pan American Games, South American Games and Alba Games.

Three concerts were postponed this week by decision of the artists or the production companies following the events that occurred after the presidential elections on July 28.

Venezuelan group Voz Veis announced on Tuesday, August 13, that it would cancel the concert scheduled for August 24 on Margarita Island, Nueva Esparta state, due to “recent political and social events in the country.” Although the group did not confirm a date, they hope to reschedule the event.

The Cusica production company announced on Wednesday, August 14, that the two performances by Mexican singer Silvana Estrada, which had been scheduled for August 30 and 31 in the city of Caracas, have been cancelled. Tickets will be fully refunded, so buyers should wait for an email with refund information.

In addition, the Argentine band Miranda also postponed its concert at the Concha Acustica in Bello Monte, Caracas, due to the cancellation of the flight in which the group was to travel. The producer confirmed that the new concert will be on November 7 at the same location originally agreed.

The World Health Organization (WHO) declared on Wednesday, August 14, a new outbreak of mpox (previously known as monkeypox) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, as a public health emergency of international concern, as it has spread to other nearby countries.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus made the statement after receiving a recommendation from the WHO Emergency Committee, a body of independent scientists from around the world tasked with analyzing whether an epidemic outbreak could affect global public health.

Photo: EFE

On August 15, the first cases were confirmed in Europe and Asia, one in Sweden and one in Pakistan respectively, so several governments have decided to strengthen their epidemiological monitoring systems.

In The Diary We present you a summary of the most important information of the day, which you should know at the national and international level.

#Venezuela #News #Summary #Sunday #August
2024-08-19 07:53:15



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