Venezuela News Roundup for Saturday, August 24

  • The EU Council expressed its concern about the Venezuelan crisis, the IACHR insisted on maintaining international pressure to find a solution in Venezuela, the coordinator of Una Ventana a la Libertad died and the Islamic State claimed responsibility for the knife attack in Germany

On Saturday, August 24, the Council of the European Union expressed its concern about the worsening of the post-electoral crisis in Venezuela, while the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) called for continued international pressure to achieve a democratic solution for Venezuelans.

The non-governmental organization (NGO) Una Ventana a la Libertad reported the death of its coordinator Carlos Nieto Palma. In addition, the Public Prosecutor’s Office summoned opposition leader Edmundo González to testify before the Prosecutor’s Office.

In addition, Pope Francis appointed Baltazar Porras as his pontifical legate for the Quito 2024 International Eucharistic Congress.

It was international news that the Islamic State claimed responsibility for the knife attack that left three people dead in Germany.

Below is the news summary for Saturday, August 24:

The Council of the European Union issued a statement on Saturday, August 24, indicating that the organization remains concerned about the worsening of the post-electoral crisis in Venezuela.

The organization explained that to date the National Electoral Council (CNE) has not provided the public evidence necessary to evaluate the electoral process according to the standards indicated by the panel of experts from the United Nations (UN), who visited the country to observe the presidential elections on July 28.

Photo: EFE

The statement also referred to the ruling by the Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) which ratified the results announced by the CNE, in which it declared Nicolás Maduro the winner of the presidential elections.

“In light of the TSJ ruling, it is worth remembering that the CNE is the body legally and constitutionally responsible for the transparent and detailed publication of the official election results,” the Council noted.

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights The IACHR remains firm in its condemnation of the electoral process in Venezuela and urges the international community not to let up on the pressure: “It will only be too late when there is silence,” the organization’s rapporteur for that country, Gloria Monique de Mees, told EFE.

“The moment when there is silence on the part of the international community, on the part of the countries of the inter-American system, it will be too late.” In the meantime, he argues in a telephone interview, “there is hope.”

#WeExplainTheDay | Saturday, August 24
Gloria Monique de Mees | Photo: EFE/ CIDH

This week, the Venezuelan Supreme Court, controlled by pro-government judges, ratified the controversial victory of Nicolás Maduro in the July 28 elections against opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia.

With his ruling, he said he had “unequivocally” concluded the review of the elections at a time when the CNE has not yet published the disaggregated results, despite what was indicated in the schedule prepared by the governing body.

The non-governmental organization (NGO) A Window to Freedom reported on Saturday, August 24, about the death of its general coordinator Carlos Nieto Palma.

The human rights lawyer was also the founder of an NGO dedicated to monitoring penitentiary institutions in Venezuela and defending the rights of prisoners.

Carlos Nieto Palma, founder and coordinator of A Window to Freedom, has died
Carlos Nieto Palma, coordinator of the NGO Una Ventana a la Libertad, speaks with EFE during an interview on December 8, 2022, in Caracas (Venezuela). EFE/ Miguel Gutiérrez

Nieto Palma graduated from the Santa María University in 1984 with a degree in Law and later specialized in human rights at the Central University of Venezuela (UCV) in 1999 and at the Simón Bolívar Andean University in Quito (Ecuador) in 2003.

The lawyer also worked as a professor at several universities in the country and as a lecturer on human rights issues.

4. The Public Prosecutor’s Office summoned Edmundo González to testify on August 26

The Public Prosecutor’s Office presented on social media the document with which it summoned opposition leader Edmundo González to testify in the context of an investigation into alleged conspiracy and usurpation of functions.

According to the summons, the opposition leader must appear before a “public prosecutor’s office” in Caracas on August 26 at 10:00 am, as part of an investigation into the “alleged commission of crimes of usurpation of functions, forgery of public documents, incitement to disobedience of laws, computer crimes, criminal association and conspiracy.”

#WeExplainTheDay | Saturday, August 24
Photo: EFE/ Miguel Gutiérrez ARCHIVE

The Attorney General’s Office is investigating the website where the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) claims to have published “83.5% of the minutes” of the July 28 presidential elections, which, according to this opposition sector, show González’s victory, despite the fact that the National Electoral Council (CNE) declared Nicolás Maduro the winner.

“Please appear before this fiscal representation of the Public Ministry (…) on August 26, 2024 at 10:00 a.m., in order to give an interview in relation to the facts that this office is investigating related to the publication and maintenance of the website“, the citation reads.

5. Pope Francis appointed Baltazar Porras as his pontifical legate for the International Eucharistic Congress Quito 2024

Pope Francis on Saturday, August 24, appointed Venezuelan Cardinal Baltazar Porras as pontifical legate for the International Eucharistic Congress Quito 2024.

The event will take place in Ecuador from September 8 to 15 to celebrate the 150th anniversary of that country’s consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Miami (United States), 02/05/2022.- The Cardinal Baltazar Enrique Porras Cardozo, Archbishop of Merida, Venezuela, speaks during a press conference at the Archdiocese of Miami set in Miami, Florida, USA, 02 May 2022. Cardinal Porras is touring the United States to present to the Venezuelan-American community the relics of Blessed Dr. Jose Gregorio Hernandez, also known as the doctor of the poor. (Estados Unidos) EFE/EPA/CRISTOBAL HERRERA-ULASHKEVICH

On September 15th the celebration will take place World Stationa multitudinous Mass that will mark the closing of the Congress and in which the venue of the next event, which will take place in four years, will be announced.

The jihadist group Islamic State (IS) claimed responsibility for the August 23 attack in the western German city of Solingen, which left three dead and eight wounded.

An anonymous security source told Amaq Agency, the IS propaganda outlet, on Saturday, August 24, that the perpetrator of yesterday’s attack on a gathering of Christians in the city of Solingen, Germany, “is a soldier of the Islamic State.”

#WeExplainTheDay | Saturday, August 24

According to the brief statement posted on his Telegram messaging channel, the informant said that the perpetrator, whom he did not identify, carried out this attack “in revenge against Muslims in Palestine and everywhere,” without giving further details.

Police chief Thorsten Fleiss said in the afternoon that a 15-year-old boy was arrested on Saturday, August 24 in Solingen on suspicion of having had prior knowledge of the attack.

In The Diary We present you a news summary with the most important information of the day, which you should know about at the national and international level.

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#Venezuela #News #Roundup #Saturday #August
2024-08-25 03:32:33



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