Venezuela Extends A Helping Hand Across the Miles: 10 Tons of Lifesaving Aid Embark for Beirut

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Venezuela, Yvan Gilannounced this Tuesday that the Foreign Ministry has received 10 tons of humanitarian supplies for Lebanon, which faces constant attacks from Israel.

This collection center has been established in the Salvador Allende Room of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Caracas.

In this context, he mentioned that he went to the center to deliver surgical medical supplies, gloves, needles, masks, probes, non-perishable food and diapers, among other donations.

Humanitarian supplies for Lebanon

“We already have more than 11 thousand items, 10 tons of products, which will be sent in the coming days to Lebanon, with the aim of transmitting a message of solidarity and support to the population that faces one of the greatest catastrophes, a people that “It has demonstrated its capacity for resistance,” he pointed out.

Likewise, he stated that “President Nicolás Maduro sends a message to the people of Palestine, Lebanon, Iran and Syria, assuring them that they are not alone in the face of the aggression of the State of Israel; They have the backing and support of Venezuela, which will always be at the side of the Arab people, the Persian people and the just nations of the world.”

Foreign Minister Gil called on the “Venezuelan community, the entire Syrian community and the Arab community in Venezuela, to join this journey” of humanitarian aid, and assured that these donations will be sent in the coming days. Furthermore, he highlighted that this charitable action responds to the instructions of the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro.

Humanitarian supplies for Lebanon.

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#Venezuela #manages #collect #tons #humanitarian #supplies #Lebanon

Venezuela’s Humanitarian Efforts for Lebanon: A Symbol of Solidarity Amidst Conflict

In ‌a recent development, ​the Minister ⁣of ⁢Foreign Affairs of Venezuela, Yvan Gil, ⁢announced that his country would be sending 10 tons of humanitarian supplies to Lebanon, which has been facing relentless attacks from Israel. This ⁢move comes ‌as a welcome gesture of solidarity ⁣and ⁤support for⁤ the ‌people ‍of Lebanon, who have been coping with the devastating consequences of the ongoing​ conflict.

As reported, the Venezuelan⁣ Foreign Ministry has set up a collection center in the Salvador Allende Room of ‌the⁢ Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Caracas, ‌where donations ​of surgical medical supplies, gloves, needles, masks, probes, non-perishable food, and‌ diapers have been pouring in.​ With over 11 thousand items collected so far, the Venezuelan government aims ⁣to​ send ‍a strong message of support ⁢and solidarity to the ⁢people of Lebanon.

This humanitarian effort is​ not an isolated incident, but rather⁣ a reflection of Venezuela’s long-standing stance on international issues. As reported by Mehr News Agency, Venezuela Foreign Minister Ivan Gil (also‍ known as Yvan Gil) had ​reaffirmed his country’s solidarity with⁢ Iran and Arab nations, particularly Lebanon, ⁤against Israeli aggression [[2]]. Furthermore, ‌Venezuela had condemned​ the assassination of Hassan Nasrallah and the bombings⁤ in Lebanon, with President Maduro⁢ denouncing ‌Israeli‍ Prime Minister Netanyahu as a “murderer like Hitler” [[3]].

It‍ is interesting to note that Venezuela has a significant⁤ Lebanese diaspora population, with estimates‌ suggesting that around 340,000 people of Lebanese descent ​reside in Venezuela [[1]]. This cultural and historical connection may be​ a contributing factor to Venezuela’s strong stance on supporting Lebanon in its time‌ of need.

In his statement, Foreign Minister Gil called upon the Venezuelan‍ community, as well as the Syrian and Arab communities in Venezuela, to join the humanitarian aid efforts. This collective effort underscores the importance ⁣of‌ international solidarity and cooperation in​ times of crisis.

Venezuela’s commitment ⁣to supporting Lebanon and the broader Arab ‌and Persian populations is a commendable gesture, and one that⁣ reflects the country’s values ⁣of solidarity and​ justice. ​As the ⁤global community grapples with‍ complex conflicts and humanitarian crises, it is heartening to see nations like Venezuela stepping forward to offer a helping hand.

Venezuela’s humanitarian supplies ‍for Lebanon serve as a powerful symbol ​of international‌ solidarity and support. As the ⁣conflict in Lebanon continues to unfold, it is essential for nations around the world to rally behind those affected and offer aid, comfort, and support. Venezuela’s efforts are a shining example of what can be achieved when nations put aside their differences and come together in the ⁣spirit of humanity and compassion.



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