Venezuela denied safe-conduct passes to opposition members seeking asylum in the Argentine Embassy

The Venezuelan government has denied granting safe-conduct passes to the six opposition members who have been sheltering in the official residence of the Argentine Embassy in Caracas since March 26, Diosdado Cabello reported.

“They are not going to pressure us. Today I think the Venezuelan government’s response came out: denial. There are no safe-conduct passes for those who do not love this country,” said the first vice president of the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV).

The refugees are Pedro Urruchurtu, International Coordinator of Vente Venezuela (VV); Magalli Meda, Head of Campaign for María Corina Machado; Claudia Macero, Communications Coordinator for VV; Omar González, former deputy; Humberto Villalobos, electoral coordinator of the VV Campaign Command, and former minister Fernando Martínez Mottola, advisor to the Democratic Unitary Platform.

In his weekly program ‘Con el mazo dando’, broadcast on the state channel VTV, Cabello rejected any pressure from the government of Javier Milei, whom he called “fascist” and “cowardly,” and said that Venezuela does not subordinate itself “to the imperial powers,” as Cabello believes the Argentine president does.

“The government of the fascist who rules Argentina believes that he is going to put pressure on us, that he is going to put pressure on Venezuela, a guy so cowardly that he already decided to hand over the Malvinas to the United Kingdom,” said the leader, who added that the southern country “seems like a pressure cooker” that “is going to explode at some point.”

*With information from EFE*

#Venezuela #denied #safeconduct #passes #opposition #members #seeking #asylum #Argentine #Embassy
2024-07-17 03:03:06



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