Venezuela condemns massacre perpetrated at Gaza school

Venezuela expressed its repudiation and condemnation of the massacre recorded this Saturday in a school located in the Al-Daraj neighborhood of the center of Gaza city, after an attack by the Israeli army.

In the event, more than 100 people lost their visas, “which demonstrates once again Israel’s horrible plan of extermination and ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian people,” says a statement.

Here is the full text of the statement:

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela expresses its repudiation and absolute condemnation of the horrifying massacre perpetrated by Israeli Zionism in the “Al-Tabein” school, located in the Al-Daraj neighborhood in the center of Gaza City, which housed the displaced population of the State of Palestine.

This atrocious war crime that occurred during the morning of this Saturday, August 10, 2024, which left more than 100 fatalities, including children, women and the elderly, and multiple injuries, demonstrates once again the horrible extermination plan and ethnic cleansing of Israel against the Palestinian people.

This act constitutes a new episode in the crimes against humanity that the tyranny of the Israeli government has been systematically committing for more than 10 consecutive months, increasing the risks of destabilization of the Middle East with dangerous global implications.

Venezuela reiterates the call to the international community and to the conscience of all humanity, to demand that the Israeli occupation stop the bloodshed in Gaza; the indiscriminate killing of women, children and the elderly; so that justice prevails and those responsible for the blood crimes committed against the brother people of Palestine are condemned.

The Venezuelan government expresses its absolute support and solidarity with the Palestinian people, as well as the most heartfelt words of condolences to family and friends of the victims and a speedy recovery to the injured, while reiterating its firm attachment to diplomacy as the only way and mechanism for the resolution of conflicts that threaten the peace of the planet.

Caracas, August 10, 2024

#Venezuela #condemns #massacre #perpetrated #Gaza #school
2024-08-12 19:00:20



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