Venezuela can count on Cardinal Porras for a long time!

Yanara Vivas SNTP 6961 /CNP 16770

The farewells to Cardinal Baltazar Porras Cardozo, from the Archdiocese of Caracas, pastoral groups and perhaps the lack of knowledge about Canon Law, have raised concern among those who appreciate and respect him, given the fear of a retirement from public life.

Nothing could be further from the truth, on the contrary, Venezuela has Cardinal Porras for a while!

It turns out that in canon (or article) 401.1 of Canon Law “A diocesan bishop who has reached the age of seventy-five is requested to present his resignation from office to the Supreme Pontiff, who will make a decision taking into account all the circumstances.”

Being the application of this canonical norm, what happened with Cardinal Porras Cardozo, going from Archbishop to Bishop Emeritus of Caracas, as he is also of the Archdiocese of Mérida, being as cardinal, together with also Cardinal Diego Padrón, the authority and representative of the Pope in the country, as well as advisor to the one who continues his legacy as Archbishop of Caracas, Monsignor Raúl Biord.

Regarding the appointment as “Pontifical Legate for the International Eucharistic Congress of Quito”, it should be understood as “Delegate or Representative of the Pope” for the Catholic meeting, which must be attended by a cardinal recognized both in Rome and on the continent where the activity is held, and the truth is that our Cardinal Porras meets and far exceeds these requirements.

Cardinal Porras will therefore be Pope Francis’ representative at the Quito 2024 International Eucharistic Congress, in Ecuador from September 8 to 15 of this year, “on the 150th anniversary of the consecration of Ecuador to the Sacred Heart of Jesus”; which will close with the “Statio Orbis” and in which the venue of the next event will be announced, which will take place in four years” according to the Vatican Press.

The Cardinal’s upcoming trip and the passing of the Pastoral Staff, in the midst of a sociopolitical situation in the country, have been a “coincidence”, opportune or inopportune depending on which side of the glass you look at it from, since it is no secret to anyone. the respect that Cardinal Porras receives in different sectors of the country, including politicians.

But the truth is that the member of the Sacred College of Cardinals, He will be away, only geographically, from Venezuela for a few days fulfilling his duties and the high honor granted, but pending his pastoral work in the country.among which is the Canonization of Doctor José Gregorio Hernández, counting on people from Mérida, Caracas and the entire national territory, because the Archbishop’s Legacy of Cardinal Porras has the national tricolor rooted in faith.

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#Venezuela #count #Cardinal #Porras #long #time
2024-08-27 09:33:12



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