Venezuela Calls Back Ambassador from Spain for Key Strategic Discussions

  • The head of the Defense portfolio in Spain, Margarita Robles, explained that many Venezuelans have had to leave the country “because of the dictatorship they live under.”

The Venezuelan government called its ambassador to Spain, Gladys Gutiérrez, for consultations on Thursday, September 12, after the European country’s Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, considered that the Administration of Nicolás Maduro is a “dictatorship.”

The Foreign Minister of the Republic, Yvan Gil, also summoned the Spanish ambassador in Caracas, Ramón Santos Martínez, to the headquarters of the Ministry of Popular Power for Foreign Relations for Friday, September 13.

The Venezuelan official stated on his Telegram account that the Spanish minister’s statements “point” to a deterioration in relations between the two nations.

“I remember the men and women of Venezuela who have had to leave their country, precisely because of the dictatorship they live under,” said Robles in a speech during the presentation of Julia Navarro’s novel. The boy who lost the warwhich took place at the Ateneo de Madrid.

The minister’s statements were also attended by former Spanish Prime Minister Felipe González, Judge Manuel Marchena and the new President of the Supreme Court and the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ), Isabel Perelló, among others.

They ask to cease diplomatic and commercial activities with Spain

The National Assembly of Venezuela elected in 2020 works in a resolution urging the government of Nicolás Maduro to break “all diplomatic, consular, economic and commercial relations” with Spain, after the Spanish Congress approved on September 11 the recognition of opposition leader Edmundo González as president-elect.

During the session of that same day, the President of Parliament, Jorge Rodríguez, requested an immediate meeting with the Foreign Policy Commission to draft a resolution that the plenary would “approve peremptorily.”

“Let all representatives of the Spanish government delegation and all consulates and consuls leave here and we will bring our own people from there, let them stay with their murderers, their coup plotters, their fascists, their violent people,” he said.

The Congress of Spain approved the recognition of Edmundo González as “elected and legitimate president of Venezuela” with 177 votes in favor, 164 against and one abstention.

The proposal was based on the “refusal” of the National Electoral Council (CNE) to release the results of the July 28 elections “in a timely manner” and on the publication by the opposition of 83.5% of the verifiable minutes that confirm an electoral result “in favor” of Edmundo González.

Pedro Sanchez met with Edmundo Gonzalez

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez received Edmundo González (who requested asylum in Spain) and his daughter, Carolina González, at the Moncloa Palace on Thursday, September 12.

Sánchez told González that Spain will continue working “in favor of democracy,” dialogue and the fundamental rights of the people of Venezuela.

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez receives Venezuelan opposition leader Edmundo González at La Moncloa Palace in Madrid. Photo: EFE/ Fernando Calvo/Pool Moncloa

The head of the Spanish Executive had already said that he would meet with the leader after the trip he made to China and received him at the Moncloa Palace in a meeting that was not officially announced in advance and which was reported on by the head of the Executive himself on the social network X.

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#Venezuela #called #ambassador #Spain #consultation
2024-09-13 02:50:12

What impact⁣ have recent statements from Spain’s Minister of Defense had on Spain-Venezuela relations? ⁢

Spain-Venezuela Relations on‌ the Brink of ​Deterioration

The recent statements made by Spain’s Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, have​ sparked a⁣ diplomatic crisis between ⁣Spain and Venezuela. Robles⁣ referred⁣ to the administration of ⁤Nicolás Maduro as a “dictatorship,” prompting the Venezuelan government to ⁣call its ⁢ambassador⁤ to Spain for consultations and summon‌ the Spanish ⁣ambassador​ in Caracas⁣ [[3]].

The incident has led to a deterioration⁤ in relations between the two nations, with​ the‍ Venezuelan Foreign Minister, Yvan Gil, stating that the Spanish⁣ minister’s statements “point” to a‌ worsening of ⁣relations between the two countries [[3]]. The situation has also led‍ to calls from the Venezuelan National Assembly to ⁣break ‍off ⁤all diplomatic, consular, economic, and commercial relations with ‌Spain⁤ [[3]].

The⁣ crisis began when Robles made the comments during a speech at the presentation of Julia Navarro’s novel, ​”The⁢ Boy Who Lost the War,” at the Ateneo de Madrid. Robles stated, “I remember the men and women of Venezuela who have had to leave their country, precisely because⁣ of the dictatorship ⁢they live under” [[3]]. The statements were also attended by ⁢former Spanish‌ Prime Minister Felipe González,​ Judge Manuel Marchena, and the new President of⁣ the Supreme Court and the General​ Council of ⁣the Judiciary‍ (CGPJ), ​Isabel Perelló, among others.

In ⁢response, the Venezuelan government‍ called its ambassador to ‍Spain, Gladys Gutiérrez, for consultations,⁢ and Foreign ​Minister Yvan Gil summoned the Spanish ambassador in Caracas, Ramón Santos Martínez, to the headquarters of⁣ the‍ Ministry of Popular Power for Foreign Relations [[3]]. The Venezuelan official stated on his Telegram account that the Spanish⁤ minister’s statements “point” to a deterioration in relations ​between the two nations.

The situation has also led to​ calls from ⁢the Venezuelan National ‍Assembly⁣ to break off ‌all diplomatic, consular,​ economic, and commercial relations with Spain. The Assembly is urging the ‍government of Nicolás Maduro to take action in response to the Spanish Congress’s recognition of opposition leader Edmundo González as president-elect on September 11⁣ [[3]].

However, it is worth ‌noting that ⁤there have been efforts to normalize‌ diplomatic ties between the two countries in recent years.⁣ In December 2022, Spain appointed a new ambassador to Venezuela, signalling‍ a thaw in⁣ relations that had been strained for⁢ two years [[2]]. Additionally,⁢ in⁤ the⁤ past,⁤ Venezuela⁤ and Spain have made‍ efforts to normalize‍ their diplomatic ties [[1]].

the recent statements made by Spain’s Minister of Defense have led to a‍ deterioration ⁤in relations between Spain and Venezuela. The situation ⁢has ‍sparked ⁢a diplomatic crisis, with the Venezuelan government calling its ambassador to Spain for consultations and summoning the‍ Spanish ​ambassador ‌in Caracas. The crisis has also⁤ led to calls from the Venezuelan National Assembly to break off all ​diplomatic, consular, economic, and commercial relations with Spain. It remains to ⁢be seen how the ‌situation will⁤ unfold in the coming days.

Is Venezuela in Spain

Spain-Venezuela Relations Deteriorate Amidst Diplomatic Row

The diplomatic relations between Spain and Venezuela have taken a hit in recent days, with both countries engaging in a war of words and reciprocal actions. The escalation began when Spanish Minister of Defense Margarita Robles referred to the Venezuelan government as a “dictatorship” during a speech in Madrid. This statement provoked a strong reaction from Venezuela, with the government summoning the Spanish ambassador and threatening to cut ties with Spain.

Venezuela Recalls Ambassador to Spain

In response to Robles’ comments, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yvan Gil recalled the country’s ambassador to Spain, Gladys Gutiérrez, for consultations [[3]]. Gil also summoned the Spanish ambassador in Caracas, Ramón Santos Martínez, to the headquarters of the Ministry of Popular Power for Foreign Relations for Friday, September 13 [[1]]. The Venezuelan official stated on his Telegram account that the Spanish minister’s statements “point” to a deterioration in relations between the two nations.

National Assembly of Venezuela Urges Break in Relations with Spain

Meanwhile, the National Assembly of Venezuela elected in 2020 has been working on a resolution urging the government



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