Caracas.- More than 18.5 million doses of vaccines have been acquired by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela through the Global Access Fund for Covid-19 Vaccines, COVAX.
The immunogens acquired through the mechanism with resources from the country have been managed by the Revolving Fund of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), which is the recognized acquisition agent before COVAX for the countries of the Americas region.
Since the first delivery in September 2021, seven air shipments have arrived, totaling more than 100,000 kilometers traveled in search of biological doses.
In addition to the support in the management of vaccine purchases with high quality standards, PAHO accompanies the logistical efforts to attend to Covid-19 in Venezuela.
Likewise, the regional health entity has provided specialized technical advice to the Ministry of Health (MPPS) for the use of immunization.
Control and prevention of yellow fever
According to PAHO data, Venezuela is one of the 13 nations in the region where a strict follow-up is given to the problems derived from yellow fever as a public health threat.
The country has three natural enzootic corridors. These are the San Camilo, the South of Lake Maracaibo, and the Guayana.
The greatest risk of this disease occurs when unvaccinated people enter the jungle, as they can be bitten by perfected mosquitoes and contract the viral infection. To prevent the disease there is a vaccine, a single dose, which protects for life.
Ten states of the country present a high risk of events and outbreaks of this disease. During 2021, the Health authority, together with PAHO, developed the first phase of the National Yellow Fever Vaccination Plan.
The epidemiological surveillance carried out throughout the national territory keeps routine vaccination active in all entities.
PAHO detailed, in an audiovisual material, that the response to the outbreak that occurred in Monagas state, in September 2021, was successful in controlling, preventing, and reducing the risk of spread to other states.
In the next four years, in a plan organized by PAHO and the MPPS, it is planned to extend the cooperation in phases until it covers the entire territory.
Likewise, in 2022 and 2023, the institutions will continue the second phase of the National Plan for Vaccination once morest Yellow Fever, which will cover nine medium-risk states and, later, the five low-risk states for this disease. With what is expected to protect the entire population of the country.