Venelles launches its Solutions Forum

But we will not forget the conviviality and the sharing, with a meal taken together. Everyone brings their specialty, their plate and their cutlery. And for children, snack offered at 4 p.m.

The event will also offer many participatory stands and animations. Visitors will be able to discuss with the actors present, but also test an electric bike, or learn how to make healthy cleaning products. But also all about the production of photovoltaic electricity or even repairing small household appliances and discovering the local currency and its interest.

For the youngest, scientific experiments, sporting challenges and the now famous Climate Fresco, a creative and collaborative game.

The partners

Among the structures and associations present, the Hummingbird Movement, the CPIE (Permanent Center for Environmental Initiatives), AVEPPA, 8 Lives for the Planet, Recyclaix, La Roue du Pays d’Aix, Les Petits Débrouillards, Le Noble Art du Pays d’Aix, AVT (Venello tennis association), Provence en forme, ADAVA, Métropole Aix-Marseille Provence, Les Vitrines de Venelles, the Fresque du Climat, Carrefour Citoyen, CIQ (neighborhood interest committee), the Water authority of the Pays d’Aix…

To discover the detailed program of the forum, Click here and for more info, click there.

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