Vending machines “deliver” alcohol to minors

2023-09-27 05:00:00

Only recently a discussion broke out on social media regarding a drinks machine with alcoholic content, but without any apparent age verification – not uncommon, according to Johannes Schindlegger (accent Pinzgau). The PN asked the operators and also spoke to Johannes Schindlegger regarding the problems with such machines.

Who is responsible in the case of such drinks vending machines? Operators, authorities or parents?Johannes Schindlegger: This is clearly the operator. Anyone who runs a company and sells substances that are subject to clear legal regulations must ensure that the legal requirements are adhered to. As far as the authorities’ responsibility in this regard is concerned, it is limited to verifying a reported suspicion and, if confirmed, taking action.

What do you say to the argument “Young people can get alcohol if they want to, if necessary through older acquaintances”? I would like to use another practical example to answer the question: We all know that we sometimes drive faster in traffic than the number on the signs tells us. Is this why we are dismantling all traffic signs? No, because despite everything, the signs point us to something. The same applies to alcohol consumption by minors. In a world where there is alcohol on every corner, they will get it if they want. The question is whether we want to make it even easier for them.

How can parents deal with the situation knowing that such machines exist?First and foremost, we adults and parents have to think regarding when we consume alcohol ourselves and what messages we send. Do we drink a pint of wine following stressful days? Are we using the alcohol? Does the boy learn that his father is only open-minded and funny when he is drunk? These are not bad intentions on the part of adults, but mostly unconscious actions. This makes it all the more important to have conversations within the family regarding why we drink alcohol and what the “good” sides of it can be. It’s not regarding creating an abstinent society, especially since that is completely unrealistic. But what we have to do is to accompany young people on the way to a sensible approach to alcohol and that doesn’t work by setting up vending machines with alcoholic drinks as contents and without age verification.

Are there differences in the type of alcohol consumption among minors between urban and rural areas?Yes, definitely. There are official figures on this. According to the Salzburg Youth Report 2022, 58% of those under 16 in Pinzgau say they drink alcohol. In the city of Salzburg, however, only 29% of under-16s drink alcohol. Conversely, this means that in our country only 42% of people under 16 never drink alcohol, in the city of Salzburg the figure is at least 71%. The difference is clearly visible.

What are the reasons for the differences in underage drinking between urban and rural areas?The main reason is probably that the controls in the state capital are much stricter, both at festivals and in bars.

Does the sentence “This sort of thing is normal in our country,” which we still hear regularly, also play a role?In principle, it must be clear to us adults that education means acting as a role model. You can tell children all sorts of things; in the end, what is shown to them will be implemented. What is certainly true is that in the country we have a different tradition of alcohol consumption than in the city. At the same time, it must also be emphasized that the trend of over-18 parties and sending children to other areas, which existed for a while, does not have the desired effect – on the contrary. From an addiction prevention perspective, it is even essential that children learn how to handle alcohol in the presence of adults. This is how they learn that there are intermediate stages between being sober and being completely drunk.

What potential consequences arise from a too lax approach to alcohol bans for young people?We know from decades of research that the earlier substances are consumed, the more likely they are to become addictive. In Austria we already have extremely high addiction rates when it comes to alcohol.

In Salzburg there is the Salzburg Youth Act, which stipulates that alcohol can only be drunk from the age of 16, and distilled drinks only from the age of 18. Legislation must be justifiable and comprehensible. In this case, research has shown us that the adolescent body has a difficult time regulating consumption. For this reason, it is not only irresponsible and risky, but actually dangerous, to distribute alcohol without age verification and adult supervision.

At the same time, we must be aware that adolescence or puberty is a challenging time and that the brain is extremely receptive to stimuli and boundary violations during this developmental phase. This means that young people want to experience limits – also physically. This works quite well with alcohol. During this time, there can also be factors such as bullying, a family situation that is not ideal, the circle of friends – all things that further increase the likelihood that alcohol will be resorted to. If adults also demonstrate a lax approach to alcohol bans, the consequences – for example the development of addiction – are not far off.

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