Vegetable dishes that cost less than 3 euros

That’s just what we’re looking for in the January purchase: power Eat Healthy to cleanse our body from the holidays and also recover from the expenses that they have entailed. That is, healthy food that is cheap.

That is why we have made a compilation of dishes made from vegetables, fruits and vegetables, which you can prepare at home with a budget less than or equal to three euros. Very easy to make and with a touch of originality. Eating healthy doesn’t have to be boring.

Plates that combine vegetables and other low-priced foods

So that these recommendations for vegetable dishes can be part of a complete, balanced and healthy diet, we are going to combine them with other foods with beneficial properties for health and that are economical. The best thing is that surely you already have almost everything at home.

Seasonal vegetables bring us health and reduce the cost of purchase

Among the foods that we recommend, due to their low price and their nutritional qualities, are legumes and eggs, which will provide us with proteins and minerals, fruit to complete the group of vitamins, and cereals that will give us the necessary fiber intake. If your excuse for not eating healthy is that you think it’s expensive, you’ve run out of it.

Vegetables can be eaten sautéed and scrambled with eggs.

We start with this simple combination. Surely you have vegetables and eggs at home and, if not, an aubergine, a zucchini, a couple of mushrooms and a carrot, to name a few, can be bought for less than 3 euros in any grocery store. A scramble of any of these diced vegetables, or several of them combined, and scrambled with egg is a very economical and healthy solution for a light dinner or lunch.

Vegetable creams are very cheap and feel great

Las vegetable creams They are a classic of healthy and low-calorie food. They are ideal for light dinners in winter as they are served hot. So they feel great on the belly and to warm our body in the cold months. The creams admit almost as many combinations as there are vegetables: peas and leeks, pumpkin and celery, zucchini and carrot… It is always more advisable to use vegetables of the season, since these are usually more adequate to the nutritional needs of each season of the year and, in addition, the need to exhaust the surplus in the markets usually means that their price is lower. As a recommendation to avoid calories, you can replace the cream or cheese used to give creaminess, with boiled potatoes. Vegetable creams change their health benefits depending on the vegetables we choose, but almost all have in common that helps lower cholesterol, regulate blood sugar levels, provide beneficial fiber for digestion and have a diuretic effect. Four pieces of vegetables will not cost you more than two euros.

Like almost everything, vegetables go very well with pasta.

The pasta It is a very economical food and can be cooked with practically any other type of food. It must be taken into account that pasta provides a large amount of carbohydrates, so it is preferable to eat it in periods in which our physical activity is high. To reduce calories and achieve a healthy and economical dish, we recommend combining pasta with seasonal vegetables. The ideal is a pasta salad with vegetables, thus we avoid the economic cost of electricity or gas that we need to make stir-fries and the calories that these contribute to the dish. Just a handful of pasta with some vegetables and a good dressing, something you can have for less than three euros in any supermarket.

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Nothing is as healthy and cheap as a salad

A salad it cannot be missing in a healthy meal plan. We are going to recommend you to prepare your salad with canons. Canons are a type of diuretic food since they contain magnesium, vitamin B and are rich in fiber. We are going to give our lettuce salad a protein contribution with a can of natural tuna and we enrich its appearance, flavor and texture with some cubes of low-calorie fresh cheese and white asparagus cut into more or less thick slices. We can add a handful of nuts, such as walnuts, rich in Omega 3, good for taking care of cholesterol, as well as proteins, vitamins and minerals, and which will give the salad a crunchy contrast. Season to your liking. You can prepare this simple, healthy, nutritious and very tasty dinner at home for around 3 euros.

Combine vegetables with legumes

Legumes are the typical food that you hated to eat when you had not yet discovered the pleasures of spooning and that they put you ahead every time you had to cut expenses at home. And it is that lentils, beans, chickpeas, etc. They are a family of the most nutritious and economical foods. They are low in fat and contain a high fiber. Legumes are excellent for controlling cholesterol, promoting digestive health, and regulating energy levels. Its cost is cheap because although in some cases a 500-gram package of some type of legume can cost almost two euros, its preparation in stews and stews usually gives rations for several meals. If we want to eat them with vegetables, we can cook them with chard, spinach or cabbage. In addition, both chickpeas and lentils can be used in warm salads. If you see that your vegetable salad lacks protein and mineral content without the price going up much, add a good handful of these boiled legumes.

As you can see, eating healthy does not have to be something that is out of our budget as we reach the end of the January slope. We can also increase the quantities so that, for a few more cents, each dish gives us a couple of servings. Everything is to put a little ingenuity to the kitchen.

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