VE Sin Filtro counted more than 60 digital media blocked in Venezuela

  • The NGO said that with this measure the government continues to “silencing” freedom of expression on the Internet.

The non-governmental organization (NGO) VE Sin Filtro denounced that the government of Nicolás Maduro is “silencing freedom of expression on the Internet” in light of the blockages against various digital media, websites and the social network X following the elections of July 28.

In a report published on August 13, the non-governmental organization (NGO) mentioned that at least 63 media and news sites on the Internet remain blocked on the main ISPs in Venezuela.

“These blockages affect 89 domains, which if broken down by ISP and blocking technique, amounts to 447 blocking events,” he added.

In light of this situation, the organization insisted that conditions have worsened in recent days. Regarding case X, it considered that it is a “particularly critical” event with “very serious consequences”, since, in the institution’s opinion, social networks have been a space for disseminating information.

Which websites and apps have been blocked in Venezuela?

-X (Twitter)
-The Wall Street
-Final Version
-The Lara Press
-Teans y Outlook

Severe restrictions on online freedoms

The NGO noted that the presidential elections were held in a context of “severe restrictions” on “online freedoms.”

“The presidential campaign began with 53 news websites blocked. (During that period) VE sin Filtro documented 12 new cases of blockages against media outlets, not counting the blockages that occurred after the elections,” the document reads.

He recalled that after the elections the main Internet providers (ISP) blocked at least three web domains in which the Edmundo Gonzalez campaign published the minutes of its table witnesses, as well as the page www.elecciones2024venezuela.comwhich provides information on presidential elections.

Blocking social media violates the right to information

On August 9, the National College of Journalists (CNP) denounced that the Blocking social media in Venezuela violates the right to information and to freedom of expression.

He added that these measures violate the provisions of the Venezuelan Constitution on the freedom of people to express their thoughts, ideas and opinions.

Photo: EFE/ Ronald Pena R

“The blocking of social media in Venezuela violates Articles 57 and 58 of the national Constitution on the right of every person to freely express their thoughts, ideas and opinions through any means of communication without censorship, as well as the right to timely and truthful information,” the organization warned on X (formerly Twitter).

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2024-08-15 10:05:35



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