Västernorrland Region Insights: Highlights from the September 11 Gathering

Horizontal perspectives, joint public health strategy and sector contributions to health and medical care were some of the items for the day when the regional board met on Wednesday.

Horizontal perspectives

The Regional Board decides that the four horizontal perspectives that should be guiding in Region Västernorrland are:

  • Availability
  • Non-discrimination
  • Equality
  • Sustainability – financial, social and environmental

The regional director is tasked with preparing proposals for regional guidelines that take into account the recommendations described in the document; as well as giving the regional director the task that the otherwise proposed measures are managed in a coordinated and integrated manner in regular operations.

The assignment from the regional board has essentially been about identifying and proposing which horizontal perspectives are particularly keen to incorporate and develop in Region Västernorrland’s operations. The aim of the assignment has been to create the conditions for the horizontal perspectives to be able to permeate planning, implementation, follow-up, as well as influence treatment and approach, through good knowledge and support to elected officials, managers and employees within Region Västernorrland.

NSPL – National Coordination and Planning for High Preparedness and War

The Regional Board decides that Region Västernorrland shall participate in the joint regional work National coordination, planning and management (NSPL) which refers to coordination and planning before and during heightened preparedness and war. The work must be carried out in close cooperation with Sweden’s municipalities and regions (SKR), the Swedish Armed Forces and relevant emergency response authorities.

The regions’ responsibility within total defense requires collaboration and cooperation with other regions, municipalities, private actors and with government authorities. Joint structures, joint planning and joint responsibility are crucial to being able to effectively and efficiently build national capacity in the face of severe pressures. Increased collaboration also facilitates government planning and the ability to meet NATO’s requirements within the framework of Sweden’s membership.

Joint public health strategy for Region Västernorrland

The regional board decides to instruct the regional director to prepare proposals for a joint public health strategy in which the health and medical care board together with the regional development board are the main actors.

Public health is an important focus area and in order to strengthen the profile and develop cooperation between committees and administrations, there is a need to develop a joint strategy. The purpose of such is that it would serve as support and orientation for the continued development of public health work internally within Region Västernorrland. The strategy is expected to take its starting point from:

  • current priorities and direction in public health work internally
  • take advantage of the good work that is being done and the skills that are available
  • the gap that exists between needs and conditions
  • what needs to be increased focus on based on the necessary priorities
  • how a robust and long-term sustainable collaboration can lead to measurable effects
  • how available resources and competence in primary care and Österåsen can meet and be used based on the needs that exist

Vaccination program against chicken pox for children

The regional board decides to wait for a decision from the government to include vaccination against chickenpox for children in a national vaccination program before general childhood vaccination against chickenpox is introduced.

The Public Health Agency has investigated the conditions for including vaccination against chickenpox and shingles in national vaccination programs. The Public Health Authority states that chickenpox meets the criteria for a national vaccination program and has sent a proposal for referral to the relevant bodies. After referral processing, the Public Health Authority is expected to propose that the government make a decision according to the proposal. In order to ensure a coherent handling, while waiting for a decision from the government, Sweden’s municipalities and regions, SKR, recommends waiting for a possible introduction of vaccination in the regions.

Sector contribution to health care

The regional board decides to distribute roughly SEK 150 million through a supplementary budget to the somatic inpatient care operations to be distributed by the health care board. The supplementary budget is financed through the sector grant provided by the government.

The challenging economic situation that Sweden finds itself in, with high inflation and rising pension costs, has put the healthcare system in an extremely stressful financial situation. At the same time, the requirements remain that the regions ensure good health and care on equal terms for the residents. Against this background, the government decided to provide the country’s regions with a total of SEK 6 billion in so-called sector grants. Of these funds, Region Västernorrland receives SEK 150,910,744.

The government money aims to give the regions better opportunities to provide good and patient-safe care, for example by reducing the need for layoffs of health care personnel due to temporary cost increases. The subsidy does not mean that new cost-driving activities or expansion of existing activities will be initiated. Nor does it mean that the target image according to the decided regional plan for the continued work with health care costs is changed other than in time for implementation. The financial addition will give the somatic businesses better conditions to live up to the challenging savings tasks they have to implement in the coming years.


This is only a selection of the meeting’s content. When the protocol is adjusted, it is published on rvn.se. The next regional board meeting will be held on October 18.

– What are‍ the key‌ decisions made ⁢at the Regional Board ‍Meeting ‍in Västernorrland?

Here⁣ is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article based on the provided content:

Regional Board Meeting: Advancing Health and Medical Care in Västernorrland

On Wednesday,‍ the regional board of Västernorrland ⁢convened to ⁤discuss and address key issues related to health and medical care in the region. The meeting saw the ‌adoption of several crucial decisions, including the identification of horizontal perspectives, ⁣a joint public health​ strategy, and sector contributions to health care.

Horizontal​ Perspectives for a Healthier Region

The regional‍ board has identified four horizontal perspectives that will guide the ⁤operations of Region Västernorrland: availability, non-discrimination, equality, and sustainability (financial, social, and environmental). These perspectives will serve as a foundation for‌ the ‍region’s planning, ⁣implementation,⁣ and ​follow-up of various projects and initiatives. The ⁢regional director has ‍been tasked with preparing proposals for regional guidelines that incorporate these recommendations, ensuring a coordinated and integrated approach to regional ⁢operations.

NSPL: Enhancing National Coordination and ⁢Planning for High Preparedness and War

Region Västernorrland has‍ committed to participating in the joint regional work, National Coordination,‍ Planning,‌ and⁣ Management (NSPL), ⁢which focuses ⁢on coordination and planning before and during heightened preparedness ‌and war. This​ collaboration will​ involve close cooperation with ⁢Sweden’s municipalities ⁢and regions (SKR), the Swedish Armed Forces, and relevant emergency‌ response authorities. The goal is⁢ to strengthen national capacity and⁣ meet NATO’s requirements within the framework of Sweden’s membership.

A Joint Public Health Strategy for Region Västernorrland

The regional⁣ board has‌ instructed the regional​ director to prepare proposals for a joint ‌public health strategy, which‌ will be developed in collaboration⁣ with ⁣the​ health and medical care board and the regional development board. This strategy will provide ​a framework for strengthening ⁢public health ‍work in the region, ensuring ⁤better ‍coordination​ and cooperation between committees ‌and ⁣administrations. The ‌strategy will ​take into account current priorities, available resources, and ⁣the need for sustainable and measurable effects.

Vaccination Program Against Chickenpox for Children

The regional board has decided to‌ await a⁢ decision from the‍ government⁣ regarding the inclusion of vaccination​ against chickenpox for children in a⁤ national vaccination program before ⁢introducing​ general ‍childhood vaccination against chickenpox.‍ The​ Public ‌Health Agency has investigated the ⁣conditions for including vaccination against​ chickenpox and shingles in national vaccination programs and has‌ proposed that the ⁢government make‍ a ‍decision according to the proposal.

Sector Contribution to⁣ Health Care

The regional board has approved the distribution of approximately SEK 150 million through a supplementary budget to somatic inpatient care operations, financed through the sector grant​ provided by the government. This funding aims ⁢to support the ‌region’s healthcare system, which is facing financial challenges due to ⁢high inflation and rising ⁤pension costs. The government’s sector grant will enable regions⁢ to provide better care and reduce the ​need for layoffs of ⁤healthcare personnel.

the regional board meeting marked​ a ⁢significant step forward ⁢in advancing health ⁢and medical care in Västernorrland. By adopting these crucial decisions, the ⁢region is poised to improve its operations, enhance public health, and ensure better care for its residents.

Keywords: Horizontal perspectives, joint public health strategy, NSPL,​ vaccination program, sector contribution, health⁢ care, Västernorrland, regional board, Sweden.

Following sectors to ensure comprehensive contributions to healthcare and public health in the region:

Regional Board Meeting: Horizontal Perspectives, Public Health Strategy, and Sector Contributions to Healthcare

On Wednesday, the regional board gathered to discuss and decide on crucial matters related to healthcare, public health, and sector contributions in Region Västernorrland. The meeting saw discussions on horizontal perspectives, joint public health strategy, sector contributions to healthcare, and vaccination programs, among other important topics.

Horizontal Perspectives

The regional board has identified four horizontal perspectives that will guide Region Västernorrland’s operations. These perspectives are:

  1. Availability: Ensuring that healthcare services are accessible to all individuals in the region.
  2. Non-discrimination: Providing healthcare services without discriminating against anyone based on their background, race, or social status.
  3. Equality: Ensuring that healthcare services are tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual, regardless of their background or social status.
  4. Sustainability: Ensuring that healthcare services are financially, socially, and environmentally sustainable in the long run.

The regional director has been tasked with preparing proposals for regional guidelines that take into account these horizontal perspectives. The aim is to create an environment where these perspectives can permeate planning, implementation, and follow-up, influencing treatment and approach throughout the region.

National Coordination and Planning for High Preparedness and War (NSPL)

The regional board has decided that Region Västernorrland will participate in the joint regional work of National Coordination, Planning, and Management (NSPL). This initiative aims to coordinate and plan for heightened preparedness and war, working closely with Sweden’s municipalities and regions, the Swedish Armed Forces, and relevant emergency response authorities.

Joint Public Health Strategy for Region Västernorrland

The regional board has instructed the regional director to prepare proposals for a joint public health strategy. This strategy will be developed in collaboration with the health and medical care board and the



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