Vannacci, in the war of the colonels his real party is being born in the North East –

Christian Campigli

“I never said I would found a party. Is it a future that I don’t rule out? I don’t rule out anything.” An enigmatic phrase, the one pronounced by the most famous of generals on the sidelines of the first Viterbo rally of the association “Noi con Vannacci”. An initiative that did not achieve the results hoped for by the organizers and that immediately made the rive gauche of Italian politics rejoice. Aware that the Lega MEP is capable of shifting consensus and that he must be marked man-to-man. In reality, the Lazio stumble hides a real internal struggle between those “colonels” who see Vannacci as their future leader. Among these is certainly Marco Belviso, the president of the Movimento Amici del Nord est per Vannacci. A political association, born, in chronological order, after “Il Mondo al Contrario” by Fabio Filomeni. The latter had a more cultural vocation, the group led by Belviso has, from the very beginning, committed itself to bring consensus (and votes) to the European elections. Ordinary people, workers, self-employed workers and entrepreneurs “tired of seeing Italy wither away”.

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A group of men and women organized at regional, provincial and municipal levels and now present in four regions of the Northeast: Friuli – Venezia Giulia, Trentino – Alto Adige, Veneto and Emilia – Romagna. Among them is also the Friulian leader Marika Diminuto. A center-right people convinced that it is necessary to strike iron on some issues that, in the Northeast, the driving force of the country, are felt to be priorities. Obviously the safety of citizens, the possibility of walking in the historic center of Gorizia rather than Bologna, Trento or Verona without fear of being mugged, beaten or raped. A dynamic closely linked to illegal immigration and the contrast to the do-gooder politics carried out by the left. «In Udine alone there are 500 unaccompanied migrant minors and, in the historic center alone, 67 different ethnic groups – Belviso tells us – The left, instead of listening to the citizens’ request for safety, boasts of this widespread welcome. And in the meantime the value of real estate is collapsing. You can’t imagine how many citizens film drug dealing with their cell phones. Right in the city center, in the morning and afternoon. The reception of minors has become a real business. Without forgetting the issue of studio apartments rented to eight, sometimes ten immigrants, who live in 30 square meters.”

Vannacci day doesn't take off. The general: it's not a flop, a set-up by the left

An organization, the one led by Belviso that also has a slogan: «Let’s take back Italy». So will there be an autonomous party as soon as possible? «No, at the moment this hypothesis does not exist. In fact, the Viterbo initiative seemed strange to me. Today Vannacci is within the League and the center-right and our idea is to push the Carroccio towards an orientation closer to that of the General, but also of Anna Maria Cisint or Susanna Ceccardi, rather than Luca Zaia or Massimiliano Fedriga. Ours is a transparent movement, open to all, but with a precise rule: no to those who have had definitive convictions for crimes against the public administration. This is also why we feel distant from people like Edouard Ballaman (referent for Friuli Venezia Giulia of Umberto Fusco, one of the organizers of the Viterbo initiative)». Security and immigration, is that all? «Absolutely not. The fact that Vannacci is a natural leader is a starting point, certainly not an arrival point. In our organization, where men and women are equally represented, we also deal with the economy, with salaries that are not up to European standards, and with the future of our young people, who are too often forced to flee abroad. Without forgetting the emergency related to river banks. The Belviso group identifies itself with a very popular online portal, “Il Perbenista” and is preparing to hold a conference on depleted uranium on September 27. The first “political” battle fought by Roberto Vannacci.

#Vannacci #war #colonels #real #party #born #North #East #Tempo
2024-09-22 01:54:15



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