Vannacci, another earthquake in his “army”. Here are the excellent resignations –

Christian Campigli

Arguments, misunderstandings and new resignations. The echo of the earthquake between the two groups close to the man with the five stars does not subside. A dispute, the one between Roberto Vannacci’s colonels, which shows no signs of ending. Last night at 11pm the president of the Lazio section, Francesco Grimaldi, resigned from the association “The world in reverse”. An announcement made on social media. “I recently sent my irrevocable resignation with immediate effect as president of the ‘Il Mondo al Contrario’ Lazio committee, the group will continue to be alive and increasingly stronger alongside the honorable general Roberto Vannacci”. Grimaldi himself simultaneously joined Marco Belviso’s “Friends of the North East for Vannacci” movement.

War between colonels for Vannacci's party: expulsions and denunciations

“It’s a good sign for us, we are very happy to welcome a person of Francesco’s caliber. Obviously, already at this time, we are thinking about changing our name, given that Lazio, as is known, is not located in the North East. We will soon equip ourselves with a national name”, the reaction. A story that arose, involuntarily, from our newspaper. A casus belli exploded the day after the publication, in our columns, of an interview with the leader of “Gli amici del Nordest per Vannacci”, Marco Belviso. A long chat judged to be in conflict with the statute by the president of the “Il Mondo al Contrario” committee, Fabio Filomeni, by Bruno Spatara, secretary of the association and by the treasurer Gianluca Priolo. Who went, in person, to Belviso’s house and informed him of his immediate expulsion from the association. Belviso himself then went to the Udine police station and filed a complaint for private violence and threats. Fabio Filomeni categorically denied having engaged in any type of violent behavior, physical or verbal. The matter, on which the judiciary will express its opinion in the coming months, has created a real earthquake in Friuli. Two days ago, two early activists, Norberto De Angelis and Marika Diminutto, also resigned from the Il Mondo al Contrario association.

In the colonels' war, Vannacci's real party is being born in the North East

#Vannacci #earthquake #army #excellent #resignations #Tempo
2024-09-27 14:19:27



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