Vanessa Kirby, royal actress: “Powerful women…”

2023-07-12 10:36:56

For the past ten years, Vanessa Kirby has been doing the splits between TV, big Hollywood blockbusters and the most demanding auteur cinema. Each time, it is intense and magnetic. Meeting on the occasion of the release of Mission: impossible – Dead reckoning.

A few months ago, when The Son was released, Florian Zeller assured us in Technikart: “I discovered Vanessa Kirby in the first season of The Crown. I also found her extraordinary in Pieces of a Woman, by Kornél Mundruczó. I really wanted to work with her. I like its intensity. She is apart…”. Indeed, Vanessa Kirby is apart. Imperial, cool and funny in the Netflix series The Crown, she is amazing in the big franchises (Mission: Impossible or Fast & Furious) and absolutely magnetic in auteur films (Pieces of a Woman, The Son). In short, each time, Vanessa Kirby grabs all the light, irradiates the screen and eclipses her partners. And it’s not ready to stop since we will soon find her as White Widow in the two parts of Mission: Impossible 7 (Dead reckonning), then as Joséphine de Beauharnais in Ridley Scott’s fresco, Napoleon, alongside Joaquin Phoenix. Also muse of the Cartier brand, Vanessa Kirby set up her production company with her sister to promote women’s films. In short, his reign has only just begun…British citizen, Vanessa, 35, is therefore on sale for the 7th Mission: Impossible. She is funny, relaxed and modest, often bursts out laughing, speaks quickly, with a pronounced accent, and very quickly decks you out with a delicious “Darling”.

Mission: Impossible 7 is coming out this summer. Is it fun to embody a femme fatale, a strong and powerful woman?
Vanessa Kirby: Darling, it’s a great privilege for me to embody this femme fatale whose assets are not sexuality, but power. The team was very enthusiastic with this unusual character who does not play on his sexy side, as too often in action films. The White Widow comes from a family of criminals, arms dealers and so I did all kinds of research. Director Christopher McQuarrie gave me loads of books regarding power, how to use it, how calm can be the most intimidating thing.

What’s it like training for these films? Do you like fighting, stunts?
When I landed the job for my first Mission: Impossible, I practiced, which I had never done before. Six months of intensive training, my life has completely changed, I had never had this kind of relationship with my body. These films are very demanding on a physical level, it is Tom Cruise, and his love of risk, who lead the dance of course, so you have to follow. But there’s a whole stunt team behind it… It’s really a gift to work on these films.

And Tom Cruise?
He’s great, he’s really an excellent playing partner, very attentive. He is passionate, nothing stops him and he believes that anything is possible. It inspires everyone on set. Before the first Mission: Impossible, I hadn’t done much, just The Crown. He really trusted me.

You didn’t hesitate when you accepted this franchise?
No ! I was nervous, but the experience was great. I learned so much.

Are you finally kicking Tom Cruise’s ass in this episode?
(Laughs) No, I didn’t have that chance. Maybe in the next. I will ask him.

Have you seen the movie?
(She laughs) But no, I’m waiting, darling!

Where did you shoot?
All around the world, over a period of two years. As for me, I went to shoot a bit in Norway and in London, not far from my home.

Do you still live in England?
Between London and New York, yes.

Will you be in the second part of this seventh Mission: Impossible?
(She hesitates) Yes, according to the latest news, I believe.

In the film, you play the daughter of Vanessa Redgrave. I know she’s one of your favorite actresses, but have you watched her old movies or the first Mission: Impossible?
Vanessa Redgrave has always been a heroine of mine, I grew up watching her perform on stage. So I loved when Chris and Tom told me I was going to play his daughter (Vanessa Redgrave played the villain of the first Mission: Impossible, in 1996, a ruthless arms dealer named Max, editor’s note). So I studied like crazy his mannerisms, his way of posing his voice while watching a thousand times his performance in Brian De Palma’s film. It’s great to embody his daughter, to find her gestures, to be inspired by her performance, to play with her by proxy throughout the series. It’s really special for me, very moving too. I had met her following a play when I was very young.

Hayley Atwell, Pom Klementieff and Vanessa Kirby on the film’s set, with writer-director Christopher McQuarrie.


You mentioned theatre. Is there a chance that we’ll see you back on the boards one day?
I really hope so. I grew up going to the theater and I spent the first five years of my career on stage, so theater is very important to me. But for the moment, I have not yet found the piece that will make me come back to it. In fact, I may have one, but it’s also a matter of timing. I would really like this to materialize soon.

What did you keep from Princess Margaret Windsor, who lives in the shadow of her sister Elizabeth in The Crown?
My God, I think I kept a fake pearl necklace, plastic, in a drawer… Seriously, she changed my life, her energy was contagious. Margaret was radical, a go-getter, it was really a pleasure to bring her back to life on screen, she is so much cooler than me…

Did Pieces of a Woman change everything in your career?
I think so. It was the first time I had a lead role. And there was this incredible 30-minute sequence shot, it was insane. I had board experience, of course, but I had never done this on a screen. It was a miracle, the realization of a dream. You can see my performance without any editing, and I am very grateful to Kornél for that. It was a magnificent experience.

And you are stunning in the film.
Oh, thank you darling, that’s so sweet.

How do you approach your activity as muse for the luxury brand Cartier?
I love this amazing French brand. First of all, I felt very honored that they asked me to become their muse. I love it and they are now like family to me. Then I learned that there was this incredible designer at Cartier in 1913, Jeanne Toussaint. It was she who developed the idea of ​​the panther. To represent the feminine identity, she did not choose a cute cliche like a small flower, but a panther, wild, fierce, independent. And that’s what I want to see, strong, powerful, independent women.

What do you think of the place of women in this industry?
(Pauses) I think we still have a long way to go… Things have changed in recent years, but it hasn’t been that long since we’ve had films written and directed by women. That’s why I set up my production company…

…Aluna? To produce films written by women, directed by women?
Yes, that’s it, Aluna Entertainment, thank you. Currently, we have 14 projects in development. It’s so important, fulfilling and exciting. We are dedicated to making films regarding powerful, contradictory women. With different teams, fantastic filmmakers, cool and radical projects.

You will play in some of these films?
Yes, in some. But my primary mission is to find subjects, teams, funding… Giving birth to these projects and bringing them to the screen is my greatest mission. I would very much like to see a female Taxi Driver. Why haven’t we seen this kind of movies yet?

Could you make one?
I hope so. I still have a lot to learn, but it is indeed my dream to go behind the camera.

Do you have a movie role model?
Yes, Gena Rowlands, wife of John Cassavetes. She wasn’t afraid of anything, especially not playing unconventional roles, rather than playing the beautiful, well-behaved little girls. Watch Opening Night or A Woman Under the Influence! She really is my absolute heroine.

How can you play both in ambitious auteur films like Pieces of a Woman or The Son, and big machines like Mission: Impossible or Fast & Furious?
I don’t see them as such different projects. I mostly watch the characters. Are they interesting, have we seen them before? The scale of the films is of course different, but not my work. It’s just like in the theatre. I’ve acted in very different plays, but at the heart of the work you have this character that you have to bring to life.

Are you still suffering from stage fright?
Yes, I think now that I will never get rid of it. I had so many doubts when I started, and still do. I’m a little more sure of my legitimacy, but I still suffer from terrible stage fright.

On the boards or in the cinema?
But both (laughs)! I never watch the rushes, I can’t play and watch my performance. But I watch my films once, just to see what I can improve. It’s difficult, you have to be a little detached.

You play Empress Josephine Bonaparte in the next Ridley Scott, Napoleon, alongside Joaquin Phoenix.
It’s a huge project, with difficult themes, a very moving film. I loved every second of this shoot. And Ridley has become a very dear friend.

Tell us regarding Josephine.
She is simply the most fascinating woman there is. I knew so little regarding her. She’s an enigma, such a survivor. She came from Martinique to Paris when she was very young, married someone she had never heard of, and her husband was executed during the Revolution. Then she made her way and met Napoleon, a military officer, before having this wild life. She taught me a lot.

Last question. How come you play a new important historical figure, is there something royal regarding you?
(Laughs) I don’t think so, no. Perhaps it has more to do with some form of courage. You’d have to ask Ridley Scott that. Thank you my darling, bye bye.

Mission : Impossible – Dead reckoning partie 1
Theatrical release July 12

Interview Marc Godin
Photo : Cartier

#Vanessa #Kirby #royal #actress #Powerful #women



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