Vanessa Alaimo: Showbiz and sports are closely intertwined (+Video)

Vanessa Alaimo: Showbiz and sports are closely intertwined (+Video)

For Vanessa Alaimo, host of Meridiano Televisión’s Ronda TV show, sport and showbiz are sources that she is passionate about, to the point of enjoying every workday because they allow her to report on the news from both worlds that, at first glance, could be considered dissimilar.

This Aragua native, with a statuesque figure and long blonde hair, thinks that high-performance competitions and the world of art and entertainment are attractive to the audience because they are almost always linked.

“First it was sports and then I dedicated myself to making known in depth things related to art and entertainment. I think that these sources form a great gear, because showbiz and sports are well intertwined,” said the Maracayera who last weekend hosted together with Atilano Hidalgo the 2024 All-Star Game of the Professional Basketball Super League (SPB), played at the Valencia Forum, Carabobo state, where the Criollos defeated the Importados 97-94.

A real challenge

According to Alaimo, sharing the Ronda TV studio with Jehisson Rodríguez, Doña Griselda and Natalia Monasterios has been rewarding, because they make up her work family, although she stated that “changing her mindset” from sports to the artistic world represented a challenge, as it forced her to remain in constant preparation.

“All of this has represented a change for me. These topics require different languages ​​and ways of dressing. It is a change of chip, similar to what happens when you lower one breaker and raise another. I know that the entertainment industry is a source and like every branch of journalism, it is necessary to investigate in order to report what is happening with our artists inside and outside of Venezuela. Meridiano Television gave me a challenge and I took it with great affection to move forward,” added the lady with striking green eyes who maintained an affable attitude throughout the dialogue with Time prior to the SPB luminaries meeting.

“It has been gratifying to be on Ronda TV. In the first stage the group was made up of Silvana Continanza, Raquel Maza and Jehisson Rodríguez. Now, in the second phase of the project, I share it with Natalia Monasteries, Doña Griselda and Jehisson Rodríguez, who, like me, remains on the programme. I think we make a very nice team because respect and admiration reign among all of us, to bring the space forward as a true family does.”

More than five years with Meridiano Television

Alaimo, a graduate in Social Communication from the Universidad Bicentenaria de Aragua (UBA), took her first steps on the “small screen” at TRV de Aragua and in 2018 became part of the staff of Meridiano Televisión, which she classifies as her second home.

That year, he participated in the coverage of the International Federation of Football Associations (FIFA) World Cup Russia 2018 and later (from 2019 to 2022) he was in charge of Extra Inning, where he showed his knowledge as a baseball analyst. From 2022 to the present, he is the face of Ronda TV and that pleases him, since Meridiano has allowed him to explore different areas to test his talent.

“I can’t say anything about my new projects for now so as not to spoil the surprise, but I will continue to be linked to television, a path that opened nationally six years ago at Meridiano Televisión. Being in this institution is something that I am grateful for because it allows me to face and overcome professional challenges when covering different sources. I feel that I have been in constant evolution, because I have had the support of a great work team. Without a doubt, when you have support, you go further in any career,” added the beauty who in 2023 was the field host for Broncos de Caracas in the SPB and who revealed that both baseball and show business are her “great loves.”

“Baseball and showbiz are two children that I love. Both allow me to practice journalism, which is my passion, and that makes me happy. My goal is to do everything possible to keep the audience well informed. It is my way of contributing my ‘grain of sand’ to bring the best to the screen, in order to satisfy the tastes of our audience,” added Alaimo, who admitted that Doña Griselda is a rather peculiar character.

“Doña Griselda is someone very famous because she has had a great career (she started in the previous decade in La Bomba de Televén), but she is a good friend. She is like a sour lemon full of love and that makes her special,” he concluded.

Valencia / Joseph Ñambre

#Vanessa #Alaimo #Showbiz #sports #closely #intertwined #Video
2024-07-23 01:51:56



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