Vandoeuvre in Game: The Ultimate Gathering for Video Game Enthusiasts

2023-09-03 17:00:42

Video game enthusiasts from Grand Nancy met this weekend in Vandoeuvre-lés-Nancy, at the sports park to the 4th edition of Vandoeuvre in game . “For purists cosplay is creating a costume of a character from pop culture, it can be characters from anime, video games, movies, or fictional characters but imagined from a universe of these environments“, explains Raphaël Miche the organizer of the event.

“I’m in Snow White, but punk version”

Justine has been a cosplay fan for several years. © Radio France – Tristan Barraux

Justine, 28, has been cosplaying since 2015. “Today I’m in Snow White, but not the version we know from the cartoon. It’s a version of myself, with cosplay you don’t have to embody the character from A to Z. I’m Snow White, but punk version“, she smiles.

Lena instead chose a costume from the League of Legends video game universe: “It’s the character Akali K/DA ALL OUT, it’s a collaboration between K-pop and a video game”she explains, coming to the Cospital, the stand to have her damaged costumes repaired. “I have a rather special wig, it can come off so I’m taking it!”

“Make the costume, embody a character, make the public dream”

On the right of the photo, Léna’s costume comes from the League of Legends video game. © Radio France – Tristan Barraux

Coming from the Paris region Blondie and Nikita are two semi-professional cosplayers, and members of the jury of the cosplay contest at Vandoeuvre in game. “We are in Cinderella and her prince. My costume, it took me a fortnight to make it”Shows Blondie. “Me, a big month”, adds Nikita and her long blue dress. “The pleasure of cosplay is making the costume, embodying a character, making the public dream.” Blondie adds: “As we came for the contest, we come to share our passion with other cosplayers, they show us what they have done.”

Blondie and Nikita are two semi-professional cosplayers. © Radio France – Tristan Barraux

Whatever it is for Justine “Creating, embodying a person we love is a real pleasure, it’s mainly for fun that we come here”she concludes.

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#cosplayers #gathered #Vandoeuvre #passion



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