Vana/Ribo on the International Day of People with Disabilities: EU-wide barrier-free mobility for everyone

2023-12-02 08:00:45

Removal of barriers to access to AMS offers for young people who are unable to work creates better opportunities on the labor market

Vienna (OTS) “With the changes to the determination of young people’s incapacity for work, we are finally breaking through the automatism of special schools, determination of incapacity for work and workshops for people with disabilities. We are thus implementing a long-standing demand from people with disabilities and their interest groups. The amendments give young people more time to develop their potential,” says Bedrana Ribo, Green Party spokesperson for people with disabilities.

From January 1, 2024, young people and people under the age of 25 will be looked following and registered by the employment service despite their inability to work. You can take advantage of relevant offers such as “AusbildungsFit”, youth coaching, extended apprenticeships, partial qualification apprenticeships and personal assistance at work. You are no longer obliged to undergo a work ability examination before reaching the age of 25. In the spirit of self-determination, people under the age of 25 can still voluntarily initiate a determination procedure. In cooperation with the Ministry of Social Affairs (SMS), an attempt will be made to find these people employment in the regular labor market. All measures of the AMS and SMS for able-bodied job seekers can be used for this purpose. In addition, new offers are to be developed and made available for this target group.

“I am convinced that by removing the barrier to access to AMS offers for young people unable to work, we will be able to enable more people with disabilities to access the labor market. Measures such as youth coaching enable them to receive good support,” says Ribo happily.

Numerous employment projects are financed by the European Social Fund (ESF). EU-wide measures and rules are of great importance for the inclusion and equality of people with disabilities. Only through inclusive European legislation with binding measures for all member states and the full implementation of the European Strategy for People with Disabilities can true equal opportunities be created for everyone. Binding requirements and more investments are crucial.

“Although there is a ‘European Disability Strategy’ 2021-2030 to implement the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, its implementation in practice leaves much to be desired. We Greens/EFA have been fighting for a long time for an EU disability card that is recognized in all member states and provides special conditions in the areas of leisure, sport and culture without having to prove their (in)visible disability once more. The European Commission’s current legislative proposal is an important step, but it does not contain all the points that we have been demanding for years. That is why we will not stop fighting for a truly barrier-free and inclusive EU. The EU disability strategy must be implemented as quickly as possible,” said Monika Vana, head of the Austrian Greens’ delegation in the European Parliament and shadow rapporteur for the FEMM Committee’s opinion on the introduction of a “European disability card”.

“As part of the negotiations on the opinion of the Committee on Women and Gender Equality, I advocated for a ‘European disability card and parking card’, for easy and free receipt of the cards, the creation of a barrier-free digital portal in all EU languages ​​and gender-sensitive training for everyone working in this area. Hopefully our recommendations will be incorporated into the mandate of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, which is in charge here. It is important that the negotiations with the member states are completed before the European elections and that the law comes into force as quickly as possible,” Vana says.

Questions & Contact:

Green Club in Parliament
+43-1 40110-6317

#VanaRibo #International #Day #People #Disabilities #EUwide #barrierfree #mobility



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