Valérie Pécresse revamps her proposal for a 10% increase in net salaries for the most modest

This is one of the strong measures of its program to improve the purchasing power of the most modest. The candidate of the Les Républicains party has been proposing for several months to increase the net salaries of the private sector by 10%, up to 2.2 minimum wage. But the president of the Ile-de-France region has decided to modify the terms of this proposal, said her spokesperson Geoffroy Didier, during a press conference Thursday, January 27.

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Initially, candidate LR planned to transfer employees’ old-age contributions to companies, with the State bearing two-thirds of the cost of this measure (25 billion euros). Corn, according to The echoes, “However, the companies still had to pay around eight billion euros”, provoking their displeasure and constraining Mme Pécresse to review his copy.

In this new version, “The State will take its responsibilities” by financing in the summer of 2022 a drop of 2.4 points in employee old-age contributions, which should lead to a 3% increase in net wages, said Mr. Didier. The measure will thus concern everyone and no longer only low-income earners as was initially planned by the candidate. For the wealthiest employees, the increase will however be less than 3% because these contributions are capped, specifies the economic daily.

“Purchasing power shock”

This measure on the State side will be “by also asking companies to make an effort to raise their wages”, said one of the spokespersons for the candidate, Othman Nasrou, “in view of all the possibilities offered, in particular on the flexibility of working time”. “The objective remains the same, there may be adjustments that take place on the terms” most “we are still fully committed to our objective of a 10% increase in net salaries excluding inflation over the next five years”, said Mr. Didier on Thursday.

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Valérie Pécresse, who promises a “purchasing power shock”, assured on January 18 on BFM-TV that“today, the priority is wages “, in particular wishing to tax overtime. Arrested by a caregiver at the end of difficult months, the candidate of the right had also drawn the possibility for the employee to exchange RTT against hard cash. “There are a lot of RTTs that are not taken and a lot of French people who would prefer to convert their free time into salary today to be able to earn more”, she then explained, proposing to exempt from tax and charges the sums thus collected.

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