Valérie Pécresse Announces Exciting Plans to Highlight Agitos at Paris 2024’s Regional Hotel

Valérie Pécresse Announces Exciting Plans to Highlight Agitos at Paris 2024’s Regional Hotel

2024-09-04 19:27:34

While the Olympic rings will remain installed in the heart of Paris, the fate of the Paralympic agitos has not been decided, even though the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) hopes that this symbol will remain after the end of the Paris 2024 Games.

View of the Paralympic agitos set up in June 2024 at the top of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris (Credits – Paris 2024 / Tony Esnault and Jeanne Fauvel)

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View of the Paralympic agitos set up in June 2024 at the top of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris (Credits – Paris 2024 / Tony Esnault and Jeanne Fauvel)

Dn the wake of the Olympic Games, Anne Hidalgo expressed her wish to keep the five Olympic rings hanging between the first and second floors of the Eiffel Tower, facing the Trocadéro.

Although the emerging debate of recent days may have shown some opposition to the idea of ​​attaching the Olympic symbol to one of the world’s most famous monuments, The Mayor of the capital seems in any case determined to pursue this project. which – if it comes to fruition – will necessarily involve dismantling and replacing the rings currently in place in favor of a structure of the same size but lighter.

Clearly, this promise linked to the legacy of the Games has attracted the interest of the IPC, which is currently supervising the running of the Paralympic Games (August 28 to September 8).

The institution would also like the capital and its region to preserve the Paralympic brand symbolised by the three agitos now located since the end of June 2024 at the top of the Arc de Triomphe, at the top of the Avenue des Champs-Élysées.

But due to the vocation of the emblematic monument located on the historic axis going from the Louvre Museum to the Grande Arche de La Défense, the maintenance on site is clearly not envisaged. However, the installation of agitos on another Parisian façade could soon be undertaken with, if necessary, a presentation outside Paris.

In fact, in a message published this Monday, September 2, 2024 on the social network X (ex-Twitter)the President of the Île-de-France Region raised the possibility of relocating the agitos after the Games.

As Valérie Pécresse stated:

Ready for the agitos to remain on the facade of the headquarters of the Île-de-France Region in Saint-Ouen, a stone’s throw from the Athletes’ Village, as a signal that obliges us in the years to come to build an inclusive and accessible region.

<img data-recalc-dims="1" decoding="async" data-attachment-id="69981" src="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="900,432" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="facaderegionidf" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="

View of the headquarters of the Île-de-France Region in Saint-Ouen, Seine-Saint-Denis (Credits – Île-de-France Region)

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View of the headquarters of the Île-de-France Region in Saint-Ouen, Seine-Saint-Denis (Credits – Île-de-France Region)

With this statement, the former candidate for the 2022 presidential election and fierce opponent of the Mayor of Paris, intends in a certain way to reinforce a position in favor of greater consideration of disability issues, particularly in the field of transport, for which Valérie Pécresse – who had already spoken on the subject in 2018 – recently announced that it was ready to contribute to the gigantic project aimed at significantly improving the accessibility of the historic lines of the Paris metro.

But beyond that, the President of the Capital Region – which partly financed the organization of the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games – responds first of all to the request made at the beginning of the week by the IPC spokesperson following the announcement made by Anne Hidalgo concerning the Olympic rings on the Eiffel Tower.

As Craig Spence explained during a press conference on Monday, September 2:

The agitos are very impressive on the Arc de Triomphe. They probably won’t stay there, but with the debate over whether the rings will stay on the Eiffel Tower, let’s not forget that we’re talking about two events: the Olympics and the Paralympics.

I would love for there to be a place where agitos can stay too.

At each edition of the Games, we think about how agitos can leave a legacy. In Tokyo, we worked with the Metropolitan Government to leave many agitos in the capital as a souvenir of the Games.

In the current debate about the location of the rings, we must not forget the agitos, because the Paralympic Games were also held in Paris.

#Paris #Valérie #Pécresse #proposes #install #agitos #Regional #Hotel

Paralympic Games 2024

The Fate of the Paralympic Agitos:‌ Will They Remain in Paris‌ After the 2024 ‍Games?

As the 2024 Paralympic Games come to a close, the International Paralympic⁢ Committee (IPC) is hoping‌ to leave a lasting legacy in⁣ Paris⁢ by⁢ preserving the Paralympic agitos, the symbol of the Paralympic Games.⁢ The agitos, three asymmetrical ⁣crescent shapes in red, blue, and green, have been⁤ installed at the top of ​the Arc de Triomphe since June 2024 [[1]][[2]]. However, the maintenance of the ‍agitos ⁢at the iconic ⁣monument is not feasible, and ​alternative solutions are being explored.

Valérie Pécresse, President of the Île-de-France Region, has proposed relocating the agitos to the facade of ​the headquarters of the​ Île-de-France Region in Saint-Ouen, near the Athletes’ Village [[3]]. This move would serve as a symbol of the region’s commitment to building ‍an inclusive and accessible region⁢ in the years to come.

The debate surrounding the fate of the Paralympic ⁣agitos comes as Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris, has expressed ‍her wish to keep the Olympic rings at the Eiffel Tower,⁢ facing the Trocadéro. While some have opposed ⁤the idea of attaching the Olympic symbol to one of the world’s⁣ most famous monuments,⁣ the Mayor is determined to pursue the project.

The IPC’s⁢ desire to⁢ preserve the Paralympic agitos‍ is rooted in the importance⁣ of the symbol in promoting the values of the Paralympic Movement. ⁣The agitos, ⁣whose name comes from the⁣ Latin word “agito,” meaning “I move,” represent the movement and empowerment of athletes with⁢ disabilities.

As the ⁤Paris 2024 Games come to a​ close, the question of what will become of the Paralympic agitos⁢ remains unanswered. Will they find a new home⁢ in Paris, ⁤or will they be relocated to another site? One thing is certain: the agitos have become an integral part of ⁢the city’s landscape, and their preservation would be ⁣a fitting ⁢tribute to the spirit ‌of the Paralympic Games.





What will happen to the Paralympic agitos after the Paris 2024 Games conclude?

The Fate of the Paralympic Agitos after Paris 2024: A Symbol of Inclusion and Accessibility

As the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games come to a close, the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) and the organizers of the event are discussing the future of the Paralympic agitos, the symbol of the Paralympic movement. The agitos, three asymmetrical crescent shapes in red, blue, and green, were installed at the top of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris in June 2024, and their future is still uncertain.

While the Olympic rings are set to remain in the heart of Paris, the IPC hopes that the Paralympic agitos will also be preserved as a symbol of inclusion and accessibility. The institution would like the capital and its region to keep the agitos as a reminder of the Games’ legacy and as a sign of commitment to building a more inclusive



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