Valeria Aquino forbade Barby Silenzi to go to her daughter’s birthday

In an insightful interview he gave to LAM, Valeria Aquinothe ex-partner of The Polish with whom you have your little girl, Almaanswered all the angelotas’ questions and made people talk with his statements.

It all started when Estefi Berardi threw a spicy question to the air: “Okay, is it true that you didn’t want Barby to go to your daughter’s birthday with the Polish and that you asked him not to go and he replied that as a condition he would go with Barby or not go?”he inquired.

It was then that Aquinas He was honest in front of the cameras: “At the time, yes, because I did not want to have a person in my house who was not El Polaco’s partner and I didn’t want to have a bond when they were apart either. The later he told me that they had returned and well ”.

“I did not want to have a person in my house (by Barby Silenzi) who was not El Polaco’s partner and I did not want to have a bond when they were separated. He later told me that they had returned and well.”

Before ending the interview, Valeria Aquino made it clear that she managed have a good relationship with Barbie (who has April with the musician Elena con Francisco Delgado) after so many sparks.

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